Name (what you'd prefer us to call you): You can call me, G or Gcat, lols I'm too shy to actually say my name here.
Birthday (don't need a year. Unless you want us to know, then go for it.): 7th November 1989
Favourite character(s): Um, all of dethklok and Charles, ahahaha they're all cool.
Favourite episode(s): The Curse of Dethklok, Dethfam, Snakes 'n' Barrels, Dethsources, Dethdad, Black Fire Upon Us, (aaaaand I haven't had time to watch the third series yet, but I have the DVD ready.)
Favourite song(s): (listing dethkloks songs only) The water god, tamper with evidence at the murder site of Odin, thunderhorse, I am toki (and many others but the list would be too long)
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I'm a student studying animation and illustration, a general geek who lives in the UK.
Anything else? I may post some drawings and more fiction if the first doesn't cause too much fan rage. Lols.