Title: La Belle au bois dormant
Author: tikistitch
Rating: R
Summary: An evil king has stolen Dethklok. Where will they find cute groupies?
Warnings: Slash, het, OCs, swearing, dissing Ken Burns
Notes: I was sort of experimenting with POV. And also had a mental image of an abandoned Mordhaus. And then IT ALL WENT WRONG.
Cross posted from
La Belle au bois dormant )
Comments 6
1) Quit writing Civil War missives and come out of the FUCKING BATHROOM!
2) “Ams you guys gots any threes?” asked Toki brightly.
“Toki, for the last time, we’re not playing GO FISH!” Nathan rumbled.
“But you ams got any threes?”
“Yeah,” Nathan admitted, and he and Skwisgaar handed cards over to the young guitarist.
You know what was funny about writing this? I started out, OMG Charles is my favorite, but then I got to Pickles, and was like, OMG PICKLES is my favorite, and then got to Murderface on the john and was like, OMG, I love them all, him and Nathan and Toki and what's his name the other guy..... :D
Hey! Pickles helped! Well, sort of. And the Dethsubmarine was Nathan's awesome idea!
At least nobody important got turned into a frog
I find I'm actually warming up to Murderface. He seems quite imaginative, for one thing.
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