Title: The Tower (Mythklok, Chapter 9)
Author: tikistitch
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In which things get dark and edgy. Also, Prequel!Sariel starts running with a bad crowd.
Warnings: Slash, non-con, AU, F-words, OCs, smoking.
Notes: Notes after the jump
Comments 22
I thought you'd gotten tired of writing it and it was over!
Momentary panic aside, it's nice to get more backstory. And Charles is slowly (or not so slowly) unraveling, which is scary.
Well, remember, and I was sort of trying to put this in the story, Prequel!Sariel is kind of off on his own, but present day Charles now has this cast of weird characters who are worried about him. So, I think he'll be OK. But, we'll see.
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And, as I said above, Charles now has Nathan and this big, weird dysfunctional family kind of watching out for him.
I still haven't seen Constantine - read the comic for years and years, so I don't wanna be disappointed!
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I'm not exactly sure where the dream imagery came from. I have a feeling I've seen a story somewhere before about a character who gets sad and starts killing everything, but I can't remember where- if it was a comic book or a movie or a myth or a weird movie I saw at 3 am or what....
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It'd be great if Charles really could change his hair color to anything at all. Imagine him with bubblegum pink hair or something.
The napkins were awesome. :D Toki's little bear drawing, the epic misspelling of Charles's name, the cute, tiny Knubbler-script... just awesome, all of it.
And I want that coffee mug.
No, there is not.
I hold out hope that it will be revealed that Canon!Charles went through a punk phase, and we will see images of him with Regrettable 80s Hair.
Oh, and I hope to have a bit more Knubbler around soon. As he is awesome too.
I ACTUALLY HAVE THAT COFFEE MUG! Warren Ellis had it in his cafe press store for a while. I think it may have been limited though.
And Knubbler = love. The world could always use more.
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