Oct 28, 2010 22:34

Name (what you'd prefer us to call you): Just call me Emily, or whatever you want to. I don't care.
They call me heat miser, whatever I touch starts to melt in my clutch. I'm too much. Props if you get the reference.

Favourite character(s): TOO BRUTAL TO CHOOSE. Seriously.
Making me choose between characters is like making me eat my own legs.
Which I've done.

Favourite episode(s): Once again, I'm unable to choose.

Favourite song(s): Do you WANT me to eat my legs again?
Cause I will.
Getting kinda hungry.

Tell us a little about yourself: Weeeeell.... I like to make people laugh.
I love writing, I love drawing (despite the fact that I suck major dildos at it), and I'm in between being mature and being a complete child.
I never want to grow up, I'm a pervert, I love gore, and I can honestly say that I've had the hots for fictional characters too many times.
I can never start a continuous story because I never end up finishing it.
I'm also a sucker for 70s and 80s horror movies.
Oh, and I'm getting a mini Holland lop bunny tomorrow. Naming it after Scrambles the death dealer.

Here's some useless information:

My favorite color is red.
My favorite shape is the circle.
My favorite number is 5.
My gear number is 52396 (my birth date)
My favorite hand signal is, of course, metal horns.
My favorite pastime is reading fanfiction.
I just sneezed.

Anything else?: I'm 14 years old, aaannnd....

I do cocaine.

!-intro post

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