Nov 08, 2024 20:46

I went on a Canadian daytime talk show this week that is our version of The View to promote my new comedy album and was completely and rightfully overshadowed by some celebrity guests - TWO ALPACAS WEARING BOW TIES NAMED PACEY AND DAWSON. I didn’t know if I would get to meet them backstage but then I did meet them and it was the best. They were a bucket list animal for me even though I guess you can see them pretty much anytime if you just go to an agricultural fair or farm but I never have so here was my shining moment:

They were real gentlemen. I told everyone that they were so cute and sweet but huge Trump supporters and that was funny for exactly one day and now even the idea that alpacas wearing bow ties might have voted for Trump is too unsettling to be a good joke. Welp!

Here is the cover art for my new album. It is called “Wonder Woman” and is streaming on all audio things streaming.

One day I will post my entry about my failed attempt at seeing the northern lights in the Yukon. As usual, it is not today.
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