I got grounded more than a few times when I was your age. I can sympathize. But going to the courthouse sure isn't the worst reason I can think of for getting in trouble. What were you up to over there, if you don't mind my asking?
I do know what you mean. I would have gone, if I could have.
Though Wright lost something vital, he didn't lose everything. Being a lawyer is an honor, and serving the people is the greatest duty a man can hope to perform, but life goes beyond one's career, even one's reputation.
Oh, and by the way, the name's Diego Armando.
Did you work around there before? Your name sounds kind of familiar.
I used to be a defense attorney, several years back. Also did a bit of prosecuting recently, but I was calling myself Godot then.
Uh, wow. H-Haha, yeah, I guess you would know all about them, then...
Yes, I used to sit on those steps myself, so I have a good memory of their distinct lack of comfort.
So, why the keen interest in the hearing?
It's just not... really every day someone I looked up to looses everything. ...You know?
Though Wright lost something vital, he didn't lose everything. Being a lawyer is an honor, and serving the people is the greatest duty a man can hope to perform, but life goes beyond one's career, even one's reputation.
He still has his friends. I still believe in him.
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