[big bang challenge] Dream Land; by romapi (1/2)

Mar 01, 2013 18:32

Title :  Dream Land
Pair: RyoKame (Odagiri Ryu/Aoi Ryosuke)
Genre: Slash, Romance. Suspense, Mystery
Rating : NC-17
Summary: Kamenashi Kazuya was having a dream about Aoi Ryosuke, Nishikido Ryo character in Orthros No Inu, but in his dream he was Odagiri Ryu.  What happens when he falls in love with Ryosuke and but hates Ryo.
A/N: Thanks to my beta-ed and I hope you enjoy this fic as I enjoy writing it. The italic is dream and the Itallic-Bold are self talk.

Kamenashi Kazuya was walking into their practice room when he heard his band mates talking about the News breakup.  Yamapi and Ryo leaving News became the talk of the town.  Some hated the two, some still liked them and some didn’t care.
Kame was one of those who could care less; he didn’t care anymore because KAT-TUN already suffered the loss of a band mate when Jin left them.  He knew the rest of the News will make it, just like KAT-TUN made it without Jin.
“Good morning” Kame greeted his band mates.
“Good Morning, Kame-chan!” Junno said bouncing.
“Good Morning, did you already know the news?” Koki said as he walked towards him.
“About Yamapi and Nishikido?” Kame said as he put his bag on his table.
“Hai,” Koki said expectantly.
“What about it?  It’s already a week, it should have cooled down by now.” Kame said not minding Koki’s stares.
“Kameeeee!  It’s big news; it will not cool down that easily.  What can you say about it?” Koki asked again.
“Koki did you change professions already?  You talk like a reporter.  And as for your question I have no comment.” Kame said as he continued to put some of his things in the locker.
“I just wanted to know your views about it, when Jin left us you were pissed about it.  So I want to know your opinion.  I know you are close with Yamapi.” Koki said.
“Were not actually that close.” Kame said.
“You are!  You were hanging out with him!” Koki accused him.
“Okay we’re close but it doesn’t mean that I have a say as to what ever he is doing like when Jin left us.” Kame said pissed off.
“I thought he comes to you for advice.” Koki said.
“I am a friend; I can’t stop him for doing what he wants.” Kame hugged his shoulder.
“So what about Nishikido?” Koki asked.
“What about that midget?!” Kame frowned looking at him.
“What can you say about his decision?” Koki asked as the others looked at him.
“Why are you asking me this?  You know very well Nishikido is my enemy!” Kame shot a death glare at Koki that made the others flinch with fear.
“I…” Koki said speechless.
“Come on, It’s time to practice” Tatsuya said as he grabbed the younger one’s in arm while giving Koki a glare.
Everyone thought that Ueda Tatsuya and Nishikido Ryo were the ones who are enemies but they didn’t know it was Kamenashi and Nishikido who were fighting in real life.  It started when they were Juniors.  Nishikido was teasing Kamenashi often and they got into some fistfights.  Until they reached adulthood, they still quarreled every time they saw each other.  Their fight became bigger when Jin left KAT-TUN and Nishikido was blaming Kame for Jin leaving Japan to go to America.
Kame was walking to the coffee vending machine. At this rate he needed more caffeine in his system; he was working hard for KAT-TUN and his drama Nigen Bem.  He almost made a U turn when he saw who was standing by the coffee vending machine but decided he needed it and he would ignore the guy instead.
He waited but Nishikido didn’t walk away from the vending machine.
“Can you get out of here?  There are some people would like to have coffee too!”  Kame gave the older one a death glare.
“Why? I like to drink my coffee here and I don’t see anyone here besides you.” Ryo gave him an evil smile.
“We’ll I would like to get some coffee so you better move aside Nishikido!” Kame said angrily.
“My, my I can see your horns already” Ryo teased the other one.
“Shut up!  You will see more of my horns if I don’t get my coffee!” Kame said giving the other a death glare.
“I would like to see that!  Where are they?” Nishikido said giving him a goofy smile.
“I said shut your mouth!  And get out of the way!” Kame said as he pushed Ryo away from the vending machine so he could get his coffee.
Ryo stumbled and the hot coffee spilled on his skin.
“Shit! Hot!” Ryo cursed as he blew some air onto his skin that was turning red now.
“Serves you right!” Kame grumbled and walked away from the cursing Ryo.
“You will pay for this Kamenashi!” Ryo shouted.
“Yah! Yah!” Kame still walking away as he gave Ryo the finger.
Kame yawned as he reached his bed. He was really tired and he fell asleep with a smile.
Kame blinked his eyes as he saw his surroundings.  He walked over to some guys who were sitting on a bench.
“Where am I?” Kame asked himself, the place was familiar to him and he recognized the guys, but why are they wearing uniforms.
“Ryu!  Ryu!” A guy was shouting and running toward him.
“Tamamori?” Kame said.
“Who is Tamamori? Ryu, Yankumi is asking for you.  There is a new teacher that he would like you to know.” The guy said.
“Eh? Yankumi?” Kame said his eyes growing wide.
“Yes, Yankumi! Our teacher, your past teacher, remember?  What happened to you?  You just called me Tamamori, I’m Reita.” Reita said as he frowned at the older one.
“Ah, sorry Reita, it’s just I’m thinking of something, what did you say again?” Kame asked the younger one.
“Yankumi is looking for you, because of the new teacher” Reita said again.
“Ah okay so where is Yankumi?” Kame asked, but in his mind he was freaking out, he decided to act as Odagiri Ryu until he will knows what is happening.
“He is in the faculty room.” Reita said still worried about him.
“Okay I will go now!” Kame put his hand on Reita head and messed his hair up a little.
“Stop that!  What you’re doing!” Reita said.
“Sorry, I’m not myself today.” Kame said as he remembered he is Odagiri Ryu for now. He walked away from Reita.
Kame walked toward the faculty room of Asaka High School, he was confused but a little thrilled about what was going on.
“Yankumi, you called for me?” Kame said as he walked into the faculty room.
“Odagiri! I’m glad you came back!” Yankumi said as she pulled him toward the crowd who are gathering by the principal’s desk.
“Yah, Ta.. Reita said you wanted to see me, why?” Kame asked as he looked at Yankumi, it’s been so many years since he has seen her.
“Odagiri, we have a new teacher, this is Aoi Ryosuke-san, he will be teaching starting today.” Yankumi said as he pointed to the person sitting in the chair.
“Aoi Ryosuke desu.” Ryosuke bowed to him.
“What are you doing here?” Kame frowned as he looked at Nishikido.
“Odagiri? You know Aoi-sensei?” Principal Sawatari asked.
“Er.. No, he just looks like someone I know.” Kame said as he glanced over at the new teacher.
“That’s okay, I know that many people are look alike.” Ryosuke said
Kame looked at Ryosuke, he can’t believe Nishikido is here too. ”Wait? He is not Nishikido he is one of his characters. What drama does his name come from.” Kame said to himself.
“Odagiri!” Yankumi said as she tapped Kame’s shoulder.
“H..ai!” Kame said as he looked at Yankumi.
“What’s happening to you?  Ah, Odagiri… Aoi-sensai doesn’t have a place to go we are thinking that you live alone and maybe want to have roommate before you go back to your University.” Yankumi asked.
“You want him to be my roommate?” Kame frowned
“Hai, you will only be here a month for now right?  Maybe Aoi-sensei can take your apartment after you go back to your University.” Yankumi looked at him with puppy eyes.
“I….” Kame bit his lips but remembered that as Ryu he can’t ever say no to Yankumi.
“Hai, you can come with me to the apartment.” Kame said.
“Thanks, Odagiri-san” Ryosuke said.
“You can call me Ryu. We are close in age.” Kame said as he bit his lips, he knew he was acting out of character.
“Then call me Ryosuke.” Ryosuke said as his positioned his hand for a handshake.
“It’s a deal” Kame slowly grabbed Ryosuke’s hand and tagged him along but then he remembered that he hated Nishikido and he immediately pulled his hand back.
Ryosuke frowned as he saw the younger pull back his hand as if he feared touching his hand.
“Ah we can go now!” Kame said as he walked out of the faculty room with Ryosuke.
When they entered the apartment, Kame was still distant with Ryosuke.  Everytime Ryosuke moved closer to him, Kame moved away.
“This is going to be your room, and that room is mine.” Kame said as he pointed to the two doors.
“So this will be my room?” Ryosuke opened it and saw the room.
“Yes, the kitchen is over there!” Kame said as he pointed to the other side of the apartment. Kame was puzzled as to why they were in an apartment. In Gokusen the movie his apartment is not mentioned, and now he will share this apartment with Nishikido, ah not really Nishikido but Nishikido’s character.   Then suddenly he remembered where this character came from, the drama called Orthros no Ino where Nishikido played the one who has an Evil Hand. That drama made him shiver.
“Ryu, can I ask you something?” Ryosuke said cautiously looking at him.
“What do you want to ask?” Kame said
“Why are you fidgeting?  Are you scared of me?” Ryosuke said.
“N..o it’s just I’m not used to sharing my apartment with a stranger.” Kame said
“Don’t be scared, I will not hurt you.  I’m a good guy!” Ryosuke smiled at him.
“O..Kay” Kame said as he was turning around but Ryosuke grabbed his wrist and forced him to turn the other way. Kame became white as he slowly fainted out of fear.
Kame opened his eyes. He was looking at the ceiling; the place was his own apartment where he lives as Kamenashi Kazuya.
“It was just a dream?  It felt real.” Kame looked at his wrist and saw a hand imprint on his white skin.  Kame frowned as he looked at the imprint.
“What is this?  Why is the imprint of Ryosuke’s hand on my wrist?” Kame asked himself but when he saw the clock he jumped out of his bed to take a shower so he wouldn’t be late for his shooting.
On the set, Kame was still bothered by the dream he had. Why of all people was Nishikido in his dreams.
“Kame-nii we are starting our scene next” Fuku said to him as the boy sat beside him.
“Oh, hi Fuku” Kame looked at the boy and brushed his hair.
“What’s bothering you?  Do you have a problem Kame-nii?” Fuku asked.
“It’s nothing just a bad dream.” Kame said
“What kind of dream?” Fuku asked curiously.
“Do you know Gokusen the movie that I acted in years ago?  It’s the one I dream about.” Kame smiled at the younger one.
“Eh? But it’s not a horror film. Why did you say it’s a bad dream?” Fuku asked.
“Don’t mind it Fuku, come on the director is calling us. We’re starting filming soon.” Kame got up and led Fuku to the set, his thoughts about his dream vanished in his mind.
After filming, Kame went straight to Jimusho for the Kat-tun practice. But first, he went to the coffee vending machine to get his daily dose of caffeine.
He was so tired he closed his eyes for a moment when somebody talked near his ear.
“We meet again turtle princess.” Ryo said as he smiled wickedly at Kame.
“It’s you again!  What do you want?” Kame pouted and arched his eyebrow looking at the other guy
“Don’t you know what I want; it’s what you are getting.” Ryo smirked at him.
“Eh?? “ Kame was taken aback as his stepped away from the other guy.
“The coffee, I want some coffee too.  Why are you backing away like that?  I’m not a pervert and you’re not my type.” Ryo frowned.
“I didn’t say that!  And you’re not my type either.” Kame shouted as he got his coffee and moved away from Ryo.
“Then why are you acting so afraid with me? And not like your usual self?” Ryo mocked him.
“I just don’t want to argue now.” Kame said as he walked away.
Ryo looked at him frowning.
Kame sat at the couch as he waited for his band mates to come. He slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.
“Ryu?” A soft voice said.  Kame slowly open his eyes, then he saw the worried look on Ryo’s face.
“What happened? Don’t touch me midget!” Kame shouted at the older one.
“I’m sorry but you passed out Ryu-kun.” The guy said as he backed away a little.
“Ryu-kun?” Kame looked at the man as he frowned and looked at the surrounding when it hit him.
“Ryosuke?” Kame asked.
“Yes, I’m sorry did I startle you? You passed out awhile ago.” Ryosuke explained.
“Oh… I’m sorry about that and for what I said.” Kame said apologizing.
“That okay, I will remember now when you pass out I will not touch you.” Ryosuke said as he smiled a little.
“Ah sorry I didn’t mean to.” Kame said as he looked at the other guy. He still could not believe that he was back again in this craziness.
“Like I said its okay, can we go out and eat. Your fridge doesn’t have any food in it.” Ryosuke said.
“Oh yah, come on I will treat you to make amends for what I done.” Kame got up off the couch and got his coat.
“That will be great; I will treat next time.” Ryosuke said as he got his coat too.
Kame brought him to Kuma Food House; this is where they always ate in Gokusen II and the Gokusen the Movie.
“Kuma this is Aoi Ryosuke, he is also a teacher at Asaka High School. He is an old student of Yankumi like me.” Kame told Kuma.
“Yankumi?” Ryosuke asked.
“It’s a pet name for Yamaguchi given to her by all of her students.” Kame replied.
“Oh, so she’s really close to her students.” Ryosuke said to him.
“Yes” Kame said as Kuma looked at them.
“Yes we are, we love Yankumi because she loves us. Isn’t that right, Ryu-kun?” Kuma said as he pointed out a vacant table.
“Yes! Yankumi is the best!” A guy said who was eating ramen with some guys and a girl.
“Ah, this is Noda, Takeshi Noda is also one of Yankumi past students he is now working in the government as an agent.” Kuma said with a wide smile.
“Hai! This is my partner Hasebe Nagisa.” Noda said as he pointed out the girl on his side.
The girl bowed to them, Kame saw that the girl and Ryosuke exchanged glances and he knew why.
“The other guys here are my former classmates: Harurico Uchiyama he is a rock star now and this is Shin Sawada the son of Senator Sawada he is a top lawyer now after serving in the Peace Corps in Africa and he’s also Yankumi’s boyfriend.” Kuma said to them.
“You’re Yankumi’s boyfriend?” Kame looked at his senpai and his eyes got wide.
“Is there a problem with that?” Shin got up and looked at him.
“No, it’s just I could not believe Yankumi has a boyfriend.” Kame said as Ryosuke looked at him.
“You have to believe it, Shin was so in love with Yankumi he always wrote her a letter but Tetsu always hid it from her.” Kuma said as he laughed.
“Kuma!” Shin said as he looked at his friend.
“By  the way, is he the new teacher at Asaka High School, how do you find Yankumi Er… the School so far.” Noda asked as he felt the death glare of their leader on him.
“Well I arrived today, but I see all the teachers are friendly especially Yankumi and Ryu.” Ryosuke said politely.
“That’s good, and our Ryu is not an eccentric any more.” A guy walked toward them.
“Shut up Take!” Kame looked at his friend.
“Peace!” Take said as he flashed a V sign.
“Just sit down, Ryosuke this is Take.” Kame introduced them.
“Hi, I’m Take one of Ryu’s friends and I’m also a former student of Yankumi.” Take said as he sat down beside Kame.
“I’m Aoi Ryosuke” Ryosuke bowed at him, Kame watched them as he drank some water.
“Ryosuke is so long.  Can I call you Ryo-chan?” Take said as Kame spilled his drink.
“Are you alright?” Ryosuke said
“I..m alright” Kame said as he wiped the water that he spilt.
“I’m saying we should call you Ryo-chan, it’s cute!  Like Ryu-chan here.” Take said as he smiled.
“Don’t!” Kame said as he glared at Take.
“And why not?” Take said looking at Kame.
“Because…Because It will be confusing” Kame said pouting, then he straightened his face, forgetting his character again.
“Yah, Ryu is right it will be confusing.” Ryosuke said.  Kuma came to their table and gave them the ramen that they ordered.
“Ryu is right Take. Come I will introduce you to my friends” Kuma said as he introduced him to the other group.
“Let’s eat!” Kame said.
“What about your friend?” Ryosuke said as he looked over at Take who was still talking to the group.
“He will not mind.” Kame said as he continued eating his ramen.  Ryosuke started to eat too.
“Ryu-chan!  You are eating already” Take yelled.
“I’m hungry” Kame said as he continued eating, not minding his friend.
“I have something to tell you.” Take said as Kuma brought the ramen that Take ordered.
“What is it?” Kame asked.
“Yabuki is coming back Mimochi told me. The gang will be whole again.” Take said happily.
“That’s great!” Kame said he doesn’t remember that in Gokusen he is at war with the other one.
“Who is Yabuki?” Ryosuke asked.
“Yabuki is my best friend” Kame replied.
“Yes Yabuki is his best friend and ex-lover.” Take said.
“What did you say?” Kame looked at Take with a serious look.
“That you and Hayato are best friends and ex-lovers” Take frowned at him.
“You mean me and Hayato are ex-lovers? You’re joking right?” Kame asked again.
“Yes, what is wrong with you Ryu-chan you are acting differently?” Take looked at his friend worriedly.
“No, I’m fine.  I just forgot about those details.” Kame said as he looked down at his noodles.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to...” Take looked at them both with apologetic eyes.  “Ryu you should not keep your past from your new lover!” Take said like a mother to his child.
“No we are not like that yet.” Ryosuke said as he smiles at Take.
“No! We’re not like that!” Kame said frowning when he heard what Ryosuke said.
“Oh!” Take said.
“Yankumi insisted that we be roommates.” Kame said glaring at his friend.
“Yes, I’m just his roommate.” Ryosuke replied too.
“Ah! Okay that’s good” Take said but his eyes were teasing Kame.
As Ryosuke and Kame went to the apartment, they were both quiet.
“You can change apartments if you like?” Kame said out of the blue.
“And why is that?  You don’t want me to share your apartment?” Ryosuke asked.  He looked worried.
“No, it’s just that maybe you don’t want to share the apartment with me…”  Kame said biting his lips.
“Oh you mean because you are gay. You are worried that I will be freaking out.” Ryosuke teased him.
Kame just nodded, then Ryosuke moves closer to him and pinned him to the wall.
“I don’t mind it, I have the same preference.” Ryosuke leaned in and captured his lips with a heated kiss.
The kiss was slow; Ryosuke took his sweet time exploring the younger one’s cavern, melting in the sweet sensations spreading through his body. He wrapped his one arm around the Kame’s waist to push him closer while he ran his other hand through Kame’s hair.
Kame felt the shock at the moment he trying to process what his happening, but the sweet sensation is making him dizzy and he was shocked to find himself answering the older one’s kiss.
Ryosuke slowly moved them to his room, his hand keeping the younger one closer while he removes their clothes from their body.

Kame bit his lips when he felt the other one lips on his neck sucking, making a mark on his soft skin. Ryosuke’s hand was stroking his thighs as he felt skin on his skin. Hot! It was burning hot the feeling of someone close.

Kame moaned as Ryosuke’s lips moved down to his nipples, licking and teasing. Kame moved his hands onto Ryosuke hips caressing them.

Ryosuke leaned in, kissing the younger one.  He licked Kame’s lips, this time seeking permission to taste the sweet cavern and the other one slowly opened his mouth and let in that teasing tongue. They tasted each other’s saliva as their hands roamed on each other’s body.

"Ryu, are you okay with this?" Ryosuke asked.

"Yes" Kame answered biting his lips. He really wanted more.

Ryosuke retrieved the lube and a condom from his drawer.  Kame took  the condom and put it on Ryosuke’s shaft, while Ryosuke wet his fingers with lube, kissed Kame, and slowly inserted his middle finger into the tight hole.

Kame moaned in pleasure and pain. Then, Ryosuke hit his sweet spot, moving his finger in and out twisting and stretching the tight hole. He inserted another finger that made Kame gasp then relax as two fingers moved inside him, stretching him more. He added one more finger; Kame didn't move feeling his hole filled. Ryosuke tugged Kame’s shaft and he moaned again.

"Are you ready?" Ryosuke said as he looked at the younger one.

"Yes, please" Kame answered which made Ryosuke smile.

Kame felt Ryosuke’s shaft fill his hole slowly; he held on to him tightly, leaving marks on his arm, as he felt the pain and the pleasure.

"You're so tight!" Ryosuke said as he was buried deep in the other one’s hole. He didn't mind the scratches that the other one was giving him.

"Ah, start moving!" Kame said as he bucked his hips to initiate the move.

"So impatient are we" Ryosuke replied as he moved his hips back and forth as he moved in and out of Kame’s tight hole.

"Ah! Fuck Ryo!" Kame shouted as he was feeling the pleasure not noticing how he called the other one.

"Ah!" Ryosuke moaned as he moved faster, he put his hand on Kame’s shaft and started to tug it in rhythm with his thrusts.  He got deeper and he found a way to hit the sweet spot, making Kame moan louder. He felt that Kame hot hole was squeezing his shaft.  He knew that they were both near their limits.

They kissed when they both reached their climax and called each other’s names.  Kame moved his lips to Ryosuke’s neck and sucked it and left a mark like the other one marked him. They were both panting as they lay on the bed, Ryosuke got up to get some towels and wiped Kame clean before he cleaned himself.

Kame slowly closed his eyes in sleepiness when he heard Ryosuke speak.

"Why did you call me Ryo?  I thought you didn’t want that nickname for me." Ryosuke asked as he lay by Kame’s side.

"What?" Kame gazed at the other one.

"The name you called me during your climax. I like it." Ryosuke said as he smiled at the younger one.

"Glad you like it." Kame replied as sleepiness took over.
“Kame,  Kame wake up” Yamapi tried to wake Kame who was sleeping on the couch of the practice room.
“Huh!  Pi?” Kame said as he opened his eyes.
“Yah it’s me, why are you sleeping here in the practice room?” Yamapi asked helping him up.
“We have a practice.” Kame replied as he looked at the surrounding.
“I don’t see any Kat-tun here; you are the only one.  I just see you laying here that is why I came and woke you up. It’s already 10pm if there is any practice it will be over soon.” Yamapi said to him.  Kame glanced at his phone and he saw there was a message from his manager.
“Damn!” Kame said as he read the message.
“Come on, I’ll treat you to dinner.” Yamapi said as he guided the other one out of the practice room.
“I’m not hungry.” Kame replied. As he gathered his things he felt a pain on his ass and his whole body was sore.
“Kame, I won’t take no for an answer.  So come on it’s my treat.” Yamapi tugged his hand.
"You're such an ass!"Kame replied as he let the other one tug him.

"Ne Kame did you have an accident?  Why are you limping?" Yamapi asked.

"I.." Kame was confused. He felt sore and it hurt whenever he managed to walk.  Then he remember his dream and it made his eyes get wide.

"Did you have an accident on the set?" Yamapi stopped and looked at him.

"Yes I had an accident during one of the scenes. I slipped and I fell on the hard floor." Kame replied not looking at Yamapi.

"Oh okay I thought you had sex with someone but I know you are single since you and Jin broke up." Yamapi said as he looked at Kame not wanting to believe him. He kept looking at his neck.

Kame kept silent.  He knew that Yamapi saw the kiss mark on his neck and didn't say anything more.  At that moment he appreciated what good friends they become.

"Ryo wake up!" Hina slapped Ryo on the face.

"What the hell is that for?" Ryo said grumpily as he opened his eyes and saw his friends looking at him.

"You've been dreaming and we had a hard time waking you up!" Hina replied and looked at the other Kanjani8 member.  They had been in Yoko’s apartment hanging out before going back to Osaka.  They rented DVD's and brought some beers.

"Yah, you were moaning! Did you have a pervy dreams?" Yoko laughed teasing him.

"Shut up!" Ryo growled as he looked at Yoko angrily.

"Ne, Ryo-chan where do you get those scratches?  Is that a kiss mark on your neck?  When did you get it?" Okura asked with wide eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Ryo asked as he got up to look at the mirror on the wall.

"You didn't have that awhile ago" Subaru said looking at Ryo weirdly.

"Who is the one who put this on me?" Ryo looked at them angrily as he could see that he has a kiss mark and some scratch marks all over his neck and arms.

"Hey, we didn't do anything to you!  We are watching the DVD when we heard you scream and moaning there!" Maru replied as he looked at Ryo.

"Come to think of it you were moaning a name." Hina said looking at his other band mates.

"Yah, maybe you dreamed of having sex with him and he is the one scratched and marked you." Yoko laughed but stopped immediately when he saw his other band mates glare.

"That is impossible! Or maybe not?" Yasu replied eyes wide.

"Then how can you explain why Ryo got a kiss mark and some scratches that he didn't have a while ago?" Yoko pouted then all eyes looked at Ryo.

"What name did he mention?" Shingo asked looking at his band mates.

"I think it Ryo? or it's Ryu?" Hina said. Then they looked at Ryo and they saw his eyes get wide when they mentioned Ryu.

"So it's Ryu, who is Ryu anyway?" Shingo asked

"I know! It's Kame’s character in Gokusen!" Yoko happily replied.

"You're being a fanboy again!" Hina said.

"Shut up!" Ryo said as he blushed.

"Eh????" The others said seeing Ryo blushing.

"You have a perverted thought about Kame?" Yoko’s eyes opened wide.

"I don't!" Ryo said angrily.

"But you are dreaming about him and he is the one making out with you in your dream!" Yoko commented.

"I told you, I don't like that man, and its Odagiri Ryu and not Kame in my dreams," Ryo said not realizing he was giving himself up.

"It's still the same. You are having lustful thoughts about Kame!" Yoko emphasized.

"It's none of your damn business!" Ryo said. Then he got his coat and walked out of the apartment.

"I think he has feelings for Kame and he is denying it to himself and to us," Shingo said.

"Yes, I think so, too, but the mystery is why does he have a mark if he only dreamt about it," Subaru said confused.

"And why is it Kame? Jin will be mad," Yoko whined. Hina slapped him hard.

"You and you're obsession with Akame!" Hina said angrily slapping Yoko again.
"Let Ryo be. He is already a big boy. He can handle it himself," Subaru said and the others quieted down.

"Ryo!" Pi said when he saw his friend sitting on the floor in front of his apartment.

"Pi, sorry for the intrusion, but can I stay here for a while?" Ryo got up when he saw the other walk toward him.

"Of course you can. Come in," Yamapi said letting his friend in.

"Thanks," Ryo murmured.

"I thought you would be hanging out with your band mates," Yamapi said. He grabbed some beers from his fridge and gave one to Ryo.

"Yes, I was but something happened." Ryo took the beer and sat down on the couch.

"What is it?" Yamapi asked as he sat on the other chair.

"See this?" Ryo moved up his sleeves and unbuttoned his shirt.

"Wow! You look like you had some wild sex, man!" Yamapi smiled wide seeing the kiss and scratch marks.

"That’s the problem. I don't remember having sex with anyone. And besides, I didn’t have these before we started watching DVD's at Yoko’s house." Ryo sighed and drank some of his beer.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Yamapi frowned as he looked at his friend.

"Well, we were watching DVD's when I dosed off. Then when I woke up, I had these all over me and Hina said that . . . " Ryo paused and bit his lower lip.

"What did Hina say?" Yamapi asked

"He . . . well, they all said that I was moaning a name in my sleep, and then I had these marks . . . " Ryo said frustrated.

"That’s odd. What name did you moan in your sleep?" Yamapi asked.

"It was . . . Ryu," Ryo whispered.

"Ryo?  You were moaning your own name?" Yamapi frowned.

"No!  It was Ryu," Ryo replied.

"Ryu? Who is that?" Yamapi said.

"It’s Kame’s character in Gokusen, Odagiri Ryu," Ryo answered.

"Oh, it's Kame... eh?  Kame?  But you and he are enemies. You have something for Kame?" Yamapi asked not believing what he was hearing.

"No!  Why do all of you always say that I have something for Kamenashi?" Ryo said angrily.

“Why did you dream about having sex with him if you don't feel something for him?" Yamapi asked.

"Well, maybe not for himself, only for his character in Gokusen!" Ryo said.

"It's still him. They are the same!" Yamapi reasoned.

"Pi! That’s not the problem; the problem is why did I get these marks while dreaming of him?" Ryo asked frustrated.

"Wait, I have one question for you," Yamapi said.

"What?" Ryo frowned as he finished his bottle of beer.

"In your dream, did you bottom or top?" Yamapi asked.

"What? Do you think I would bottom?!" Ryo give him an angry glare.

"So that is why," Yamapi said to himself.

"What are you saying?" Ryo snapped at him.

"I think you should talk with Kame about this," Yamapi replied.

"Why should I do that?  He is my enemy! He would laugh at me if he knew I had a hidden desire for one of his characters." Ryo glared at him.

"Okay, okay, just chill.  Let’s go to bed. Maybe we can think of something tomorrow," Yamapi said. He left Ryo to go to his room.  Ryo knew the way to the guest room so he didn't bother to tell his friend.

Ryo sighed. He still don't know what had happened but he knew he couldn’t tell his friend that he really liked Kame, as in really liked him, too much.


Kame slowly opened his eyes. The sunbeams were shinning through the window and he felt that something heavy was on his chest.  He shifted his gazed to the side and found someone sleeping by his side.

His mouth opened in shock as he saw the face of the person sleeping beside him. His enemy was sleeping in the same bed with him and was naked just like him. Then he remembered his dreams. "Oh no, I'm back in this freaking dream again, and why did I let this guy sleep with me? Kamenashi get a hold of yourself. You slept with your enemy, but it's not Ryo, it’s Ryosuke, his character.  But it’s the same; it still Ryo no matter what." Kame bit his lips as he looked at the guy sleeping next to him. "He looks so innocent and handsome. I think I'm in love with him" he told himself with a giggle. "Ah!!! What am I thinking? No matter what happened, he is still Ryo, my enemy." Kame was battling with himself when he felt that some one was watching him. He looked over at the man in the bed next to him and saw that the guy is already awake.

"Good morning Ryu-chan," Ryosuke said as he leaned forward and kissed him.

"Good morning." Kame blushed as the other one left his lips.

"Are you feeling okay?  Are you sore?" Ryosuke asked worried.

"Yes, I'm feeling okay, thank you," Kame said as he slowly got up from the bed.

"Wait," Ryosuke stopped him from getting up.

"What?" Kame frowned.

"I’ll get the bath ready and cook you some food. Rest for a while. We still have time. We are not going to be late for class." Ryosuke smiled at him.

"Huh?" Kame frowned but nevertheless got back into bed.

"I tell you when it’s time to get up. Sleep some more," Ryosuke said.

"But I don't want to sleep," Kame said biting his lips. He didn’t want this to end now that he had admitted to himself that he was in love with Ryo’s character.

"Well then I’ll carry you to the bathroom," Ryosuke said as he leaned in and gathered Kame in his arms.

"Put me down!  I can walk on my own!  I'm not a freaking girl!" Kame shouted as he wiggled out of the other one’s arms.

"Hey! Stop that! You will fall!  Okay, then I will put you down now." Ryosuke slowly put him down.

"I can take care of my self.  Maybe you should get some breakfast while I take a bath," Kame said as he limped toward the bathroom.

"Okay, but if you need me, I will be here in the kitchen." Ryosuke grinned at him.

"Yah!" Kame said as he closed the door of the bathroom.


As they walked toward the school, Kame saw that the girl who was with Noda was looking at Ryosuke. The two made an eye contact before Ryosuke turned around.

"Ne, Ryu-chan, you should go first to the class. I forgot something," Ryosuke said.

"What do you forgot?" Kame frowned seeing Ryosuke’s worried face.

"Just something I need before I start working.  Don't worry. It won't take long," Ryosuke replied as he pushed Kame toward the school.

"Okay, I will wait for you," Kame said as he walked toward the school. But still his eyes were looking back.


An hour passed before Ryosuke came back. He just smiled at Kame and they continued with class.  Kame kept looking at the other one. Ryosuke still looked so disturbed.

"Okay, class dismissed!" Kame said to class 3-D. Just then, Ryosuke came out of a daze.

"Huh! It's already time?" Ryosuke asked.

"Yup, what’s bothering you?" Kame replied.  He frowned looking at Ryosuke.

"It's nothing, no worries," Ryosuke replied as he moved closer to Kame and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Can't you just tell me?" Kame asked again.

"Like I said before, it’s nothing to worry about" Ryosuke said as he moved away and walked toward the door.

"Not so fast!" Kame said. He grabbed the other one’s hand and locked the door of the classroom.

"Get your hands off me!" Ryosuke glared at him, anger in his eyes.

"Ryosuke?" Kame was startled at the reaction he was given and backed away a little.

"I . . . " Ryosuke said as he realized what he had done.

He didn't get any chance to say sorry Kame came close and kissed him.  He grabbed Ryosuke’s collar and gave him a punishing kiss until the other guy kissed him back.  They battled for dominance but Kame would not lose now. He pushed Ryosuke on the table face down and immediately unbuckled his pants and pulled them down along with Ryosuke’s underwear.

"Ryu," Ryosuke said. He shivered as Kame ran one hand along his back, until it reached his tight hole. Kame slowly spread Ryosuke’s legs and moved between them. He pushed his middle finger into the tight hole and received a loud moan from the other. Then he bent over a little to reach Ryosuke’s ear and whispered "Hush babe, it will be alright." He slowly moved his finger, giving Ryosuke a tiny bite on the ear.

"Fuck, Ryu, just do it!" Ryosuke said as he gripped the edge of the table.

"Impatient are we?" Kame teased the other one when he remembered what had happened the other night.

"Just shut up and do it!" Ryosuke answered as he felt the other one’s hand tugging his shaft.

"But you have to tell me what this outburst is all about." Kame pushed in another finger that making him moans as he hit the sweet spot.

"Ah!....Now?" Ryosuke moaned as Kame pushed into that spot.

"Not now, of course, but you will, right?" Kame said as he put the third finger in, stretching the tight hole even more.

"Fuck!  Okay, you will put that damn shaft now!" Ryosuke said impatiently.

"Okay" Kame grinned as he positioned his shaft and removed his fingers.

Inch by inch he went deeper, the tightness of the hole making his shaft leak pre-cum.

"Fuck you’re so tight!" Kame inhaled and bit his lips as he felt the pleasure.

"Move now!" Ryosuke said as he started to move his hips toward the other one.

They both moaned from the pleasure.  Kame started to move slowly at first, then faster, angling for Ryosuke’s sweet spot.

He moved faster and tugged the other one’s shaft.  Ryosuke looked up at him and Kame kissed him passionately. As Kame hit the spot more and more Ryosuke couldn’t control the pleasure Kame was giving him.

"Ah!! Ryu I'm coming!" Ryosuke said. He gripped harder on the edge of the table as Kame kept banging him fast.

"I'm coming, too!" Kame said as he burst his semen into the other one’s hole.

"Ah!!!" Ryosuke moaned as he came on Kame’s hand.  They were both panting as they reached the edge of their lovemaking.

After the high, they immediately got dressed. Ryosuke looked at him and smiled. He led the other one to the door, but before they went out he said, "Ne, Ryosuke, I will not force you to tell me what is bothering you but I'm here if you want to share it with me." Then Kame walked out of the room.


Kame was entering Jimusho when he saw Yamapi again poking around the News dressing room. 
“Hey,” Kame whispered in Yamapi’s ear.  Yamapi jumped in surprise.
“Kame, don’t you dare do that again!” Yamapi pouted.
“You’re spying on them,” Kame teased.
“No I’m not!” Yamapi denied.
“Yes, you are!” Kame teased again.
“I am not. Stop it!” Yamapi said pulling Kame away from the News dressing room.
“Why did you leave them if you’re going to miss them?” Kame asked still not aware that Yamapi was holding his hand. 
“Don’t be so nosy, Kame, it will kill you,” Yamapi said as he shoved Kame into his dressing room.
“I’m not nosy, I’m just asking.  Jin never tried to spy on us after he left us for the U.S.,” Kame said sadly.
“Well, I’m not like Jin.  We have different reasons; like I’m here so I can see my old band mates, while he is in the U.S.” Yamapi said.
“Or you have a special someone that you left behind, while Jin doesn’t,” Kame teased.
“Oi!  Who told you that?  Well, if you are already talking like that, it must mean that you are healing.  So who’s the lucky guy?” Yamapi teased back.
“What lucky guy?  We are not talking about me; we are talking about you and your little love,” Kame said with a smile.
“Don’t change the subject, Kame. You already know who mine is so tell me who is yours,” Yamapi said giving him a wicked smile.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kame pouted. He didn’t want Yamapi to know what he was thinking.
“Would it be somebody I know?” Yamapi asked.
“No one you know” Kame said before he realized what he was saying. Yamapi grinned widely.
“Ah!  So I’m right!  There is someone in your life right now.  I think I can guess who it is.” Yamapi smiled at him.
“Shut up!” Kame blushed and tried to go out the door.
“I think it must be someone I know because you would not react like that if it wasn’t,” Yamapi teased again.
“It’s no one you know!” Kame glared at him.
“Is that someone limping right now?” Yamapi asked. His smile didn’t fade away.
“I don’t know anyone who is limping!  Wait!  Someone is limping in Jimusho?” Kame asked, puzzled.
“Yes, and there he is,” Yamapi said pointing at Ryo limping away from his dressing room. 
“Duh! Ryo and I were enemies. I’m not the cause of his limping!” Kame said. But he was puzzled why the other was limping.
“Were?  Now it’s past tense. I smell romance!” Yamapi giggled as he walked away the fuming Kame.
“Stop it!  Not in a million years!” Kame said glaring at Yamapi who was now walking slowly away from him.

They were walking together but Kame felt that Ryosuke had something on his mind. He was always absent minded when they taught the 3-D students.  So after class, he grabbed Ryosuke’s hand.

“What’s wrong?” Kame asked

“I think I have to tell you something,” Ryosuke said as he inhaled deeply.

“You can tell me anything, I will help you,” Kame assured him.

“Ryu, I have to confess, I really love you but I’m not the person who you think I am,” Ryosuke said

Kame was just waiting. He knew what Ryosuke was going to say but he waited until the other guy finished his confession.

“I…” Ryosuke began. Just then, the door barged open and Noda burst in with Nagase.

“Ryu!  We have a problem!” Noda said as he looked over at Ryosuke.
“What?” Kame said angrily. “Shit! He really has a good timing!” Kame said to himself.

“Ryosuke, you have to come with me. Your brother is in danger,” Nagase said grabbing Ryosuke’s hands.

“Wait!  What going on?” Kame said as he held onto Ryosuke’s other hand.

“My brother, Ryuzaki is in danger!” Ryosuke said as pulled out of Kame’s grip.

“Ryuzaki was held hostage by Sawamura in exchange for you,” Nagase told him as they ran toward the van.

“He really wants my power doesn’t he?” Ryosuke said looking at Kame worriedly.

“I think so,” Nagase said and looked at them both.

“Ryosuke, is that what you want me to know?” Kame asked.

“Partly yes, but there are other things I want you to know but I think it’s not the time,” Ryosuke said.

“It’s okay, I understand.” Kame squeezed his hand

“Thanks for understanding.” Ryosuke said.  They were silent until they reached their destination.

“So, you’ve come to rescue your brother, Ryosuke,” Sawamura said holding Ryusaki in front of him.

“Just let go of Ryusaki, I’m the one you want,” Ryosuke said. He didn’t notice that Kame had let go of his hand and was walking in a different direction.

Kame moved closer while they were busy negotiating.  When he was close enough, he jumped on the man holding Ryusaki and tried to get his weapon.

“No! Ryu! No!” Ryosuke said running toward the two guys who were fighting for the gun.

A load bang made Ryosuke’s heart stop beating.  He could see that Ryu was bleeding. He slowly approached Sawamura and put his hand on the other guy’s neck, trying to choke him.

“Stop it, Ryosuke, you will kill him!  He is still alive and we need to get him to a hospital,” Nagase said. She put her hand on Kame’s stomach to stop the bleeding.  Noda released Ryuzaki and they both helped to get Ryosuke out of Sawamura’s grip.

“Ryosuke stop… that…” Kame said weakly.

Only then did Ryosuke stop strangling the other man’s neck and moved to help Kame up and get him to the hospital.

Noda tied Sawamura’s hand and Ryusaki leaned in to whisper something in Sawamura’s ears.

“You are lucky that we don’t have any more power. If we did, you would already be dead now.” Ryusaki said then he followed Ryosuke and Nagase to the car along with Kame who was still bleeding.  He lied about the powers maybe Ryosuke is more worried than wanting to kill that bastard but it give him an idea so that if Sawamura get out of jail, he will not going to after Ryosuke again.


At the hospital, Ryosuke was in panic, he was so worried about Ryu’s condition. Even Ryuzaki was comforting him.  At last, the doctors came out of the operating room.

“Doctor, How is Ryu?” Ryosuke asked as the doctor took off his mask.

“His condition is stable; you can see him in a few moments. The anesthetic is working so we need to give him some time before you can talk to him freely,” the doctor said with a smile.

“Ya.. Doctor, you said that he is okay, right?” Ryosuke asked again.

“Yes, he is going to be fine. By the way, I’m Dr. Aizawa. I will be handling Odagiri’s case so if you have anything to ask, feel free to do so.” Dr. Aizawa said and with a bow he walked away.

“He is a good doctor,” Ryuzaki said

“Don’t patronize me,” Ryosuke said. He didn’t like the look of the doctor.

“Are you jealous on Ryu’s doctor?” Ryuzaki teased.

“Nope!” Ryosuke said he opened the door and saw Ryu sleeping on the bed.  He was so relieved that Ryu was okay.

When Kame opened his eyes, his stomach hurt.  He knew that he had been hit by a bullet in his dream, but when he looked at his stomach now it didn’t have any scratch or anything. Even so, it hurt like hell.
He walked to the bathroom and got in the shower. He had so many things to do today.  But having Ryosuke on his mind made him happier.
As he walked into the Jimusho he saw Yamapi again. He tried to sneak past him-he was so nosy. But, just Kame’s luck, Yamapi saw him.
“Yo! Kame-chan!” Yamapi grinned at him.
“You are in high spirits today,” Kame answered.
“Yes, I am.” Yamapi grinned even wider.
“Did Tegoshi forgive you already?” Kame teased him.
“You bet he did!” Yamapi giggled.
“That’s good for you,” Kame said trying to get by Yamapi.
“Not so fast, Kame,” Yamapi said blocking his way.
“What is it now?” Kame whined. He knew that Yamapi would not let him pass until his curiosity was fulfilled.
“Did you and Ryo-chan talk yet?” Yamapi asked.
“And what were we going to talk about?” Kame inquired.
“Nothing, maybe you are trying to be a good friend now that you are over Jin. I think Ryo is also over what happened with Jin,” Yamapi said.
“I don’t have time for this,” Kame said as he pushed past Yamapi and down the hallway.
“Just try to talk to each other; I think you two will click as-” Yamapi didn’t get a chance to finish.
“Don’t say another word,” Kame cut him off.
“What?  I was going to say, you and him will click as good friends.  You didn’t let me finish my sentence,” Yamapi pouted looking at Kame.
“Don’t give me that crap,” Kame said as he put his arm around Yamapi’s neck and tried to squeeze it.
“Ouch!” Yamapi squeaked but Kame wouldn’t let go.
“You two stop that!  This is a hallway!” Ryo glared at them.
Kame and Yamapi both looked at him puzzled. Then Yamapi burst out laughing.  And Kame just scowled. He pushed Yamapi away and stalked down the hall. Yamapi watched him go and though that there must be something between those two; they just needed a little push.
When Yamapi saw his friend Ryo sitting alone in the practice room, he thought it was the perfect time to find out what his friend really felt for Kame.
“Ryo-chan, it’s nice to see you not limping anymore.” Yamapi grinned.
“Shut up!  I’m not limping!” Ryo said grumpily.
“So what’s the progress of your dreams? Are you still dreaming about him?” Yamapi asked.
“Why are you so nosy about it?  It’s none of your concern.” Ryo told him with a glare.
“You want the truth, okay? I like Kame and I want to pursue him so I don’t want to have a competition with my friend, that’s why.” Yamapi said
“You don’t mean that, do you?” Ryo asked still looking stern and not believing with what Yamapi was saying.
“Nope, I’m dead serious,” Yamapi said
“No you can’t!” Ryo said angrily.
“And why not?” Yamapi asked with caution in his eyes; a fuming Ryo was not to be trifled with.
“Because….. Just because!  Stay away from him!” Ryo said. He got up angrily and stomped out of the practice room never looking back at Yamapi. 
A smirk started to form on Yamapi’s face.  He knew he is right because Ryo knows who he love but still jealous of him. There was really something between those two and I’m going to find out. Yamapi told himself.
Seeing Ryosuke in his dreams made Kame happy. Even though he knew it was absurd to be in love with a man in his dreams, he didn’t mind it.
Kat-tun knows something was happening with their youngest band mate. Seeing him happy was good after all everything that had happened. Kame deserved they thought.
"Kame, what’s up?" Koki asked.

"Nothing, why are you asking?" Kame said frowning at him.

"Well, you’re happy these days; do you have a new boyfriend?" Koki asked again.

"What are you saying Koki? I don't have any time for such things," Kame said with a blush.

"Oh, Kame’s blushing! So it's true that you have a new boyfriend." Junno jumped up happily.

"Oi, I didn't say that!" Kame pouted trying to hide his blushes.

"Who has a new boyfriend?  Do you have a new boyfriend, fish lips?" Ryo said at the door.

"Of course, I'm not the one they are asking. It’s Kame," Tatsuya said not looking at Ryo.

"So, Princess Kame has a boyfriend. Who is it?" Ryo said angrily as he looked at Kame.

"It's none of your business," Kame said.  He didn’t look at Ryo as he tried to pass by him and out of the room.

"Not so fast, princess, and where do you think you’re going?" Ryo said grabbing Kame’s arm.

"I'm busy; get your hands off me." Kame wriggled out of Ryo’s grasp.

"No! You are not allowed to go out with anyone," Ryo said as he pushed Kame to the wall and kissed him.

The kiss was rough and felt familiar.  Kame felt like he was kissing Ryosuke.
"Ryosuke," Kame whispered. That made Ryo opens his eyes and push Kame away from him.

"I'm Ryo, not Ryosuke!" Ryo said as he ran out of the room.

"I..." Kame said. He was so shocked by the angry and jealous Ryo he had just seen.

"I think Ryo has feelings for you," Tatsuya said, also shocked by the scene they just witnessed.

"Yah, we think so, too," Koki said.

"No! He can’t…..I…can't believe it," Kame said as his retreated to the shower room, his heart beating fast.

Part 2

#big bang challenge, feat ryo

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