Title: I Love Your Body
Pairing: stubbly!Kame/Plastic Tears Kame
Rating: NC-17
Genre & Warnings: AU, PWP. It's Kame/Kame. Do I have to say more?
Notes: Why is it that all my short one-shots are PWP's :( This one is for the pretty amazing anon fic meme thingy going on at
happyjenewyear though, so I'm excused~ This is an edited and beta'd (thank you,
meikimari!) version of the original posted there.
Word count: 1,244
Summary: Two Kame's, a bathroom, and free lube. They love their bodies.
The two of them are the aces of the gloomy striptease bar in a hidden corner of Tokyo: the identical twins. What nobody knows is that the two of them aren’t actually related to each other by blood.