[FIC] Those Scars They Carved on Him - Completed

Sep 19, 2016 16:21

Hi Everyone,

I have a fic to share that I started writing in 2011 and abandoned after two chapters. It took me five years, but I managed to finally complete it. Initially, I decided not to cross-post it in any communities due to the sensitivity of the subject, but many years passed and I've more confidence in the story now. Also, the main reason I decided to share it in communities is that I know lots of you have been reading it and asking me to finish it either in comments or PM's over the years. I've no idea how many of you are still around, but do I want to let as many of you as possible know that I did get around wrap it up. If you're new to the story, please don't ignore the warnings and the author's notes before you click the links. Thank you!

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Title: Those Scars They Carved on Him
Author: marlenem
Pairing: eventually Jin/Kame
Rating: NC-21 (both sex- and emotion-wise)
Genre & Warnings: drama, angst, GRAPHICAL RAPE, substance abuse, a roller-coaster of emotions, possibly OOC characters, rating not to be ignored!
Word count: cca. 100,000
Summary: Kame tries to cope with his life after a gang attacks and rapes him.

Notes: (READ, PLEASE!) Please, take the warning seriously. This is a rape fic, although I kept the graphical part quite tame and limited to chapter 1. This fic involves one of the most thorough researches I've ever done on the topic of rape and renormalization after the assault, because I wanted to convey the subject as realistacally as possible. Not the actual rape, but more importantly the recovery after that. Nobody is OK with Kame being raped by a group of guys - myself included -, but I really wanted to write about the topic. I shared chapters 1 & 2 in 2011, and left it unfinished for five years. I've been through a lot these days and due to that lost contact with most of you people on LJ and KAT-TUN too, and only recently got around to finish this story. Looking at it now, I'm not sure I could have handled this topic the way it deserved to be handled at my age and level of emotional intelligence back then. If you decide to go ahead and read this fic, don't expect much fluff and happiness. It's an emotional roller-coaster and I can only hope that each character's emotions are coming through the way I intend them to.
All comments are appreciated, be it positive or negative, because I am curious what you guys think of this project. If you make it till the end... thank you!

Gab, thanks for the triggering first comment in that post! I also owe special thanks to Anon-san from a fic meme who inspired me to proceed with the idea. Chapters 1 & 2 are beta'd by meikimari.


feat jin, #fic

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