This Friday marked the end of a drama that left many Kame fans in states of shock, convulsing spasms, tears, and a general sense of not knowing what to make of their Fridays without a dose of contemporary dancer!Kame and his gorgeous. (Not to worry though since TameTabi will be kicking off next week! We
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I didn't find any problems with the love scenes, they seem to generate a lot of negative comments. I mean this is TV, not a movie, what you can show in a TV drama is a lot more restricted than in a movie. They both looked beautiful in the scenes.
With the side characters, the most irritating was the mother, she was so selfish. The ex-boyfriend's behavior, I could understand, since he lost a lot and if his wife had decided to leave earlier, he could have been with Yui. The most confusing was the school girl, was there any point to her role???
I was disappointed with the last episode, I couldn't relate to Yui's feelings, was she really in love with Kei? I wish the drama was longer and maybe the story line and their romance would have been better developed.
I would miss this drama, there is no Kei to look forward to every week, so sad.
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