Jan 24, 2006 11:20

So, I'm gonna try to be good like Sarah and start updating my LJ more often. The only problem is that nothing exciting really happens in my life so there isn't tons to share...I do have a few things and a lot of people will be hearing it for the first time just cuz I've only told one person. Heh heh...I think there may be certain people that will enjoy listening to this news and some that won't but nothing is really set in stone yet.

Anyhow, so I got my last paycheck at C&B and realized that there is no way in hell I can live off of those paychecks. I guess I was so used to my holiday checks that I was thinking I'd be all right. But when I got this first January check I knew there was no way I'd be able to do this. So, I got myself together and started looking for jobs again. SHOCKER! I know. I'm usually REALLY lazy about looking for jobs but this last paycheck hit me hard. So, I looked around and realized that there are no good jobs in Maryland right now. I'd obviously like to go back to the education field cuz that's what I went to school for but I don't want to teach. UGH. So, getting to the juicy part...heh heh...I looked around in other states and found that California has SO many opportunities. So, I applied to 2 places in CA so far. One is on the campus of UCSF and the other is near Stanford in Palo Alto. I KNOW! This is coming from the person who swore she was not a west coast kinda gal and who swore she would probably not end up in California (well, minus the fact that I want to retire in San Diego but that doesn't count!). So, I sent out my resumes yesterday and I guess we'll see what happens. I'm still looking around in Maryland as well..just haven't had as much luck with jobs I'm interested in.

For example, the one in Palo Alto sounds AWESOME! The position is for assistant director at a child care center. I would be getting paid WAAAAAAAAAAAY more than C4 ever paid me...my hours would be 9-3, M-F and that would still give me time to work for Crate and Barrel so that I could still get my discount:) The location is awesome and the weather is nicer (although I will miss my snow:() So, I don't know. It's pretty tempting, but like I said..we'll see. Not sure if they'll give my resume a second look considering I'm from Maryland but hopefully they'll look beyond that. I also applied for an assistant director position at Bright Horizons in Rockville, MD so there is a chance I still may stay here. But I still have a lot of research to do with jobs. I have one cousin who still wants me to move to Austin but there definitely aren't any good education jobs down there. I found a lot of nanny positions which I DON'T want to do...but you never know. I think my parents are still thinking about retiring down there. Who knows.

Not much else has been going on. It's my day off so I'm relaxing at home right now. I have a few things to do here and then some more "ME" time. Good junx. The Caps were doing really well. I guess it was a lot to ask for 5 wins in a row...but they came back last night. It was a good game (sort of) minus the fact that we lost. But they really aren't looking too shabby. Just wish Heward and Eminger get better so they can come back and help out our D. Halpy came back, last night..it was good to see him back. Let's see...been going to a few Wizards games as well. They're all right. Not as exciting as hockey, for me, but still quite entertaining. Ooooh!! Been having TONS of fun with my video iPod I got for Christmas. It's too much fun! Just downloaded the first season of LOST. Good times...pretty addicting show. Anyway, I'm off to get some stuff done. I hope everyone has a FABULOUS day:)
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