Creatures and Angels and Dreams...OH MY!!!

Mar 16, 2007 12:54

I had a dream last night...and I remember it!!!

I was changing and I left something in the room and thought "I'll get it later" So I went and joined my friends. We were talking to some old lady who would predict the future and it would come true. but no exactly like she said it would. I heard some scuffling and went to check it out. Watson was wearing my shirt or something (wtf right?) and I got angry because he didn't ask that he could wear it (something like that) So I pointed a knife at him and threatened him. The other guy that was goofing off too just stood there. Next thing I remember is being in front of the old lady again and she says I'll grow wings out of my arms and Watson will be some creature thingy. Macy i think was in it too, but I only had a glimpse of her. Than Watson turned out to be possessed and looked like the creature from The league of extrordinary gentalman (the one that was hard to kill) And I grew wings from my back instead of my arms. Everyone scattered from some reason and we couldn't bring down the creature without everyone together so I took off to find them. I flew over a soccor field and saw some little puppy there and the creature was distracted by it so I flew into some beams over a railroad and hid there till he left. Than I went forward and ended up in some house where I fell asleep. When I woke up I realized the people must have seen me so I took off to the balcony to try and fly away. But the main feathers of my wings were clipped (Like they do to birds so they can't fly away) I was freaking out but than one of my friends came and was like "HURRY!!!" ( I didn't recognize her though) A man came out and said "Oh! Don't worry, your real wings are under your coat. The ones that are clipped are fake." Than he said "I knew you were angels of Thor." And we replied" We're angels of Athena, she can be cold but she is kind."So relieved that I still cold fly I went into their restroom and changed/showered. I had some gem and amulet with my coat and made sure not to lose it. The last thing I saw was the coat and everything around it and I woke up....or just can't remember the rest -_-;;

Pretty weird eh?

Quote of the day: "Not to scale."

see you later space cowboy...

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