bryantsawyer is his roommate and I think they would get along well. He's muggleborn, cocky, but easygoing and pretty friendly. Total jock and he loves pranking and general mischief.
edward_mcmillan is in his year, but he's a Slytherin. He's outwardly easygoing and friendly, so I think they'd get on as long as Az doesn't hate Slytherins on sight.
daridavison is a 6th year, but she's very friendly and a little bit boycrazy, so I don't think it's terribly unlikely for them to have met. ALSO, Divination is her favorite subject, so I really would love for them to have geeked out on it together once or twice. She couldn't be an ex-girlfriend per se, because she's never actually dated anyone exclusively before, but they could have had a fling of sorts if you wanted.
I don't think he'd know any of my others, so let me know what you think for those three. :)
Yeah, it sounds like Az and Bryant will get along really well! It sounds like they have an awesome dorm.
Az doesn't hate anybody on sight, and as he was raised as a Muggle he wouldn't have had any reason to judge Slytherins, so if Edward was nice to him early on, then Az would get along with him just fine.
And yeah, um, if Dari is a Divination geek and she's cute, Az would totally have tried to, er, "organize a study session" at the very least. Because he is a dork.
And, yep, Dari is a RAVENCLAW, so the geek definitely fits her and she loves Divination and Potions best of all. Professor Chandler is actually a family friend, so she's a bit of a teachers pet when it comes to Divs. And cute? She's absolutely gorgeous, though I may be slightly biased there. ;) Her PB is Sophia Bush, who I have kind of an insane girlcrush on, but yes.
She doesn't get serious about boys AT ALL, but she'd have totally made out with him in the stacks or something when they were supposed to be working.
Yes, making out in the stacks is definitely an Azriel thing to do. Only then he would have gotten frustrated and hurt when he realized that she wasn't interested in anything more serious than that. And then he would have forgotten he was supposed to be hurt the next time there was an opportunity to make out in the stacks. It's the benefit of having a very short attention span. And then he would have gotten frustrated and hurt...and you get the picture.
And Azriel is geeky enough that they also probably work together really well. When he's not staring at her...uh, collarbone.
Dari would probably be perfectly oblivious to all of that, too, unless he was very obviously about wanting more... if he was obvious about it, she'd feel guilty, but I'm sure it wouldn't stop her from doing it again. (Because, hey, if he's willing even knowing she doesn't want more..)
She's had a bit of bad luck lately, poor girl. Her mum was arrested for DE activities right around Christmas time and her dad just told the world that he's a DE, too, as well as naming several other DE's.
Anyone who KNOWS her would be silly to suspect her of agreeing with them, so depending on how well we want them to know one another outside of the studying/making out, he could either be wary of her now or he could be concerned about how she's handling it... or, you know, completely apathetic to it. :P
I bet they've gotten distracted loads of times and ended up with plenty of detention for it. Hahaha. And I am totally up for threading something. I have to head to work, but it ou were to start a thread and link me, I can post when I get home :)
Ahh, I just got back for the night-- I was picking people up at the airport and taking them for food! But I'm here now...I'll add you on AIM and we can thread the next time we catch each other-- I'm still a little wary about doing this on my own cause I'm new!
Az may or may not have been obvious, I'm not too sure because he would be kind of self-conscious about it if something happened and Dari acted like nothing happened. And he might be convincing himself it's because the other stuff she's going through and not him.
This could actually be really interesting interaction to play out-- because whether or not he knows her well, he's definitely the kind of person who trusts people till they prove otherwise, so he'd probably stick up for her.
Ah, no worries AT ALL. I hav a ton to reply to tonight, but how about I go ahead and start up a thread and hit you up with a link, that way you don't have to deal with starting? I'll be home in a little more than an hour, so we can chat then if you are around.
bryantsawyer is his roommate and I think they would get along well. He's muggleborn, cocky, but easygoing and pretty friendly. Total jock and he loves pranking and general mischief.
edward_mcmillan is in his year, but he's a Slytherin. He's outwardly easygoing and friendly, so I think they'd get on as long as Az doesn't hate Slytherins on sight.
daridavison is a 6th year, but she's very friendly and a little bit boycrazy, so I don't think it's terribly unlikely for them to have met. ALSO, Divination is her favorite subject, so I really would love for them to have geeked out on it together once or twice. She couldn't be an ex-girlfriend per se, because she's never actually dated anyone exclusively before, but they could have had a fling of sorts if you wanted.
I don't think he'd know any of my others, so let me know what you think for those three. :)
Az doesn't hate anybody on sight, and as he was raised as a Muggle he wouldn't have had any reason to judge Slytherins, so if Edward was nice to him early on, then Az would get along with him just fine.
And yeah, um, if Dari is a Divination geek and she's cute, Az would totally have tried to, er, "organize a study session" at the very least. Because he is a dork.
And, yep, Dari is a RAVENCLAW, so the geek definitely fits her and she loves Divination and Potions best of all. Professor Chandler is actually a family friend, so she's a bit of a teachers pet when it comes to Divs. And cute? She's absolutely gorgeous, though I may be slightly biased there. ;) Her PB is Sophia Bush, who I have kind of an insane girlcrush on, but yes.
She doesn't get serious about boys AT ALL, but she'd have totally made out with him in the stacks or something when they were supposed to be working.
And Azriel is geeky enough that they also probably work together really well. When he's not staring at her...uh, collarbone.
She's had a bit of bad luck lately, poor girl. Her mum was arrested for DE activities right around Christmas time and her dad just told the world that he's a DE, too, as well as naming several other DE's.
Anyone who KNOWS her would be silly to suspect her of agreeing with them, so depending on how well we want them to know one another outside of the studying/making out, he could either be wary of her now or he could be concerned about how she's handling it... or, you know, completely apathetic to it. :P
I bet they've gotten distracted loads of times and ended up with plenty of detention for it. Hahaha. And I am totally up for threading something. I have to head to work, but it ou were to start a thread and link me, I can post when I get home :)
Az may or may not have been obvious, I'm not too sure because he would be kind of self-conscious about it if something happened and Dari acted like nothing happened. And he might be convincing himself it's because the other stuff she's going through and not him.
This could actually be really interesting interaction to play out-- because whether or not he knows her well, he's definitely the kind of person who trusts people till they prove otherwise, so he'd probably stick up for her.
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