Since I am still too new to do the "what my character thinks..." thing that I really want to do, I am making a post detailing all of Az', well, details that are common knowledge and then all his weird quirks that only his close friends and brother would know about, because that way people will know this stuff going forward and it will all be in one convenient place when we want to update it! And all the people who are filling out the "what my character thinks" meme will better be able to figure out what their characters think! And if any of you can think of ways to use any of this for scenage or backstory, let me know!
--Physical Attributes--
This is stuff that everyone would know unless they are physically blind!
Hair: Blond and curly. Currently about ear-length, which means it poufs out a lot. He's also currently attempting to grow muttonchop sideburns.
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'11"
Weight/Build: about 170. He's wiry and slightly athletic, but it's a "I run everywhere I go and jump around a lot because I'm always wired" physique, not a fit one.
Other: Az has a few acne scars and a bump in his nose from breaking it. He is also bad at shaving which means he is usually stubbly.
Same here. If someone knows Az, they'd know how he dresses. Which is badly.
When not in his school uniform, Az dresses like a thrift shop vomited on him. He wears a lot of bright, mismatched colors, generally layered over each other. He wears a lot of plaid flannel shirts, jeans, and corduroys, and sometimes he will be seen in a suit jacket that doesn't match everything else. Every once in a while he will bust out a random item of clothing that he refers to as AMAZING-- these are usually horribly ugly 1970s throwbacks that don't really go with the rest of his clothes. His shoes vary by season: in the winter, he wears a pair of lace-up hiking boots, except the laces are usually not done up; in the rest of the year, he wears sneakers that look like they're about six years old. His personal idea of grooming could definitely use some improvement.
Az also has a certain hat. It showed up at the beginning of this year, and probably everyone would recognize it as his. It's pale blue and knitted and has two very large animal ears with pink plush linings. It is also usually very grubby. He keeps it in his pocket most of the time and randomly takes it out at intervals to either fidget with it or wear it.
This is stuff that anyone who's interacted with Az would know
--Fidgeting. Az is about as fidgety as a father-to-be in a hospital waiting room. All the time. If he has to sit down for long periods of time, whatever is in his hands usually winds up getting twisted, braided, or ripped into little pieces. If he is standing up, he is usually bouncing. He plays with his food and he scratches at his pimples when he has them.
--Singing. Az randomly bursts into song on various occasions, or quotes song lyrics, or completely hams it up. Favorites are anything by ABBA, the BeeGees, the soundtracks to any Monty Python movie/sketch, the soundtrack to The Muppets Take Manhattan, various other oldies and showtunes. He has an okay voice and actually sounds quite at ease singing.
--Quoting. See singing. This also includes The Princess Bride, Blackadder, Indiana Jones, and plenty of other movies.
--Rambling. Az can't really keep his train of thought on the tracks.
--Yelping. He also has trouble using his indoor voice. He sounds like a girl when he does this.
--Drawing on himself. Self-explanatory. This is probably part of the fidgeting thing.
--Personality Traits And Other Gossip Fodder--
This is stuff that anyone who's interacted with Az would know or that might perpetuate any gossip about him. If you want to make up events in which any of this happened to your character, just run it by me to ask if it's likely. Most likely if it involves horribly embarrassing my character or setting up hilarity, I will say yes.
--Az has a very, very moody disposition. Most of the time he's really bouncy and chipper. When he is in a bad mood, he's snippish and cruel.
--Az has a tendency to give out sweets to younger kids/anyone who is in need of cheering up. If he doesn't have sweets on his person, he will sing for you. Pray he has sweets.
--Az can be extremely, extremely cocky and egotistical when he is social groups. He needs to be the center of attention and it's a major chore for him to let anyone else be.
--Az can go overboard teasing people.
--Az will get verbally violent toward people who mess with his brother or friends.
--Azriel hates Muggle Studies with a passion.
--Azriel was purportedly one of the ringleaders of an underground indoor broom racing circuit, until he crashed into a wall and broke his nose.
These are things that only a select group of people would know. If friendships change, I'll change this.
The people who would definitely know these things are:
craftynicodemusjojo_jenkinsrupertwindsorjchivalrousasher If you are not on this list, you do not know these things. If you think you should be, let me know and I will tell you.
zak_reso, and
bryantsawyer would probably know parts of this. Same for any other 7th year Hufflepuff boys. You guys can let me know which parts your characters know.
--The abovementioned hat has a name. It's name is Sammy. Sammy is Azriel's thinking cap. He generally puts it on when he has a problem he's thinking about.
--Azriel also has a stuffed octopus named Boppo. Boppo is called Boppo because that was how Az said Octopus when he was two. Boppo got flushed in the toilet when Az was a first year, and since then, Boppo has lived inside Az' pillowcase. Stealing or hurting Boppo is not allowed. Mocking Boppo is unavoidable. Azriel turns funny colors if you mention his octopus.
--Azriel reads a rune and his I Ching every single morning when he gets up before he does anything else. He writes them down and dates them on cards and puts the cards in a box. At the end of the day, he makes notes about whether the reading was accurate or how it applied to that day. He has a box dating back to when he started taking Divination in Third Year.
--Azriel deliberately failed his Muggle Studies Owl because it was easier to brag about failing on purpose because he hated the subject than it was to deal with knowing what he'd really get on the exam if he tried.
--Azriel swore to his younger brother that he wouldn't date any more girls in Asher's year without Asher's permission.