Dec 29, 2007 18:21
I confuse years.
After a survey bulletin in myspace... I couldn't remember 2006 from 2007 and such. And I also couldn't truly fill out my survey because my family read its. So I am going to redo it in here, just for my own reference and I can get as explanatory as I want.
In 2007, did you...
fall in love with someone that was just a friend?: no
fall in love at all?: I thought I did with Nick. But even rereading my livej entries about him, I was really hot and cold with him myself, wasnt til he was gone that I thought I had loved him. I guess I won't know if it was love until I fall in love again.
lose any friends?: yes, an important one :(
make any new friends?: yes, got the important one back, and then some miscellanous friends like Enterprise Chicago, Detroit and Nashville people lol.
make any new enemies?: anyone in the greek system
develop any new hobbies?: I am back to watching regular TV programs
get older?: no, Father Time skipped me this year.
do anything you regret?: not off the top of my head, so that's good
go to any parties?: yes, the Delt Sig party with the fight, the ERAC party at the Athenum, dance parties at Danielle's, I didn't go to parties as much as I went out to the bar.
accomplish anything?: accomplish to twist my life around until I feel I can't control it anymore.
make much money?: no
attend a wedding?: yes- Jason and Kristen's
attend a funeral?: no
get any new family members?: all my cousins just had babies it seems
move away?: moved from Chi to Hoffman Estates, from H Estates to Dearborn, D-born to S-gate, S-gate to Tennessee
gain any new perspectives?: just on the way I am, and that's out of control, and insatiable
get into a verbal fight?: always
get into a physical fight?: it was close
attend any sporting events?: no hitters Tiger game with phyllis, kelly, and Danielle
get arrested?: no
wreck your car?: no
get a new car?: nope
make any big purchases?: no
get kicked out of a store, restaurant or any other kind of business?: no
get fired from a job?: no
get offered a job?: yes
get a raise at a job?: yes, passed the ERC "grill" lol
learn anything?: always
dump your bf/gf?: no
get dumped by your bf/gf?: technically Nick Sweeney did
develop any new health problems?: just a broken heart
change as a person?: I think so
get any new piercings?: no
get any new tattoos?: yes, the ankh
attend a concert?: no
crowd surf?: no
travel out of state?: Illi and TN
read any books?: Jodi Picoult has gotten my attention for the last several months
travel out of the country?: Canada for Danielle's "19" b-day revisited, redone, revamped
spend much money?: yes
download any music?: yes
try out any new looks?: was a blonde, and then Dani gave me a new hair do at Mario Tricocci's in which I became wildly conceited for days on end
sign up for a myspace?: no
sign up for a facebook?: no
eat a food that you had never eaten before?: vietnamese and thai mmmm
go golfing?: no
go bowling?: yes
go to many parties?: a few
start to resent something or someone that you used to like?: I resent who I used to be, ya know, the "popular" girl in college, because in the real world, you don't just have a large group of friends at your disposal. Luckily (and unluckily because I loathe my job) I work with young people so moving is easier and making friends is easier, but imagine if I had a career. I'd be fucked. And I should have a career and a family now, but I just want to party like I did in college. I resent that.
In 2007, how many....
different places did you work?: same place different locations 1502, 2015, 2021, and 5672, that means nothing to people who are not employed by ERAC
times did you go out drinking?:alot
times did you smoke marijuana?: none
drugs did you take?: none
times did you have health problems?: just sick
times did you go to the movies?: several
concerts did you attend?: none
people did you make out with?: 4- Nick, Mina (who is a guy lol), Soave, and Drew... but the year isn't over
people did you have sex with?: 3
people tried to have sex with you?: aside from those that tried and succeeded I guess 1 or 2
times did you get your ass kicked?: none and never
crushes did you have?: everyone in Tennessee lol
times did you attend church?: none
bad habits did you pick up?: none
famous people did you meet?: none
I am going to pee my pants, I will post the rest momentarily. I have to close my browser for I have a snoopy stepmom and dad