Sep 09, 2012 00:27
Okay, so this sucks but I have to do it.
I LOVE livejournal. Most of all I love the amazing friendships and people I have got to know here. I have always been a loyal LJ-er, catching up on my f-list every day. Then something changed, I went on a 'friending frenzy' eager to expand my awesome network. It backfired - my list exploded with posts and I became overwhelmed and stopped reading. I have tried to catch up over and over again the past few months but everytime I just get overwhelmed again. The worst part is that in doing this I am losing contact with even my closest and most special LJ friends. I'm missing out on major stuff happening in their lives. I just spent 20 minutes trying to skim my flist and wow some of the stuff going on is a big deal and I've not been there for people (despite them having always been there for me). I've also fallen SO far behind.
I've been avoiding doing this but I just have to.
I have to cut my friends list right back to my nearest and dearest - the people I have spent years building up a friendship with. Please, no hard feelings if I remove myself from your journal. It's not that I'm not interested, loads of my new friends are super interesting but I either do this now or I can see I'll just end up fading away from LJ altogether.
I'll keep this post public for a bit.. sorry again for being a shitty LJ friend (old peeps and new).