Jan 14, 2009 03:39
Im awake (its 3:45am).
Im in pain.
My alarm is due to go off in 2.5 hours for work....
So I just rang work and called in sick because my brain is going to be scrambled if I have to go and function on such a pathetic amount of sleep. I actually didnt want to call in sick. I have very few sick hours left and id be capable of working if it wasnt for the sleep deprivation.
One of my wisdom teeth has been giving me grief for a couple days, yesterday morning I had a look at it and much to my dismay found it was kinda going black. Im not sure if its an abcess or its getting infected... all i know is it hurts like hell.
Ive been putting off getting my wisdom teeth out for a couple of years because A) they havent been that painful and B) im absolutely terrified of the dentist.
But alas, now there is probably no avoiding it. Worst thing is, I dont even have a dentist around here that I know (which makes me even more terrified) but Ive asked around and have an appointment tomorrow at a place that everyone tells me is good.
Now that im off sick though I might ring up and see if I can get an appointment any earlier (ie. today)... I have a feeling I will probably have to go on antibiotics for a week before they do anything.
I hate that this is happening.
I hate going to dentists.
Stupid bloody pointless wisdom teeth.
wisdom teeth