
Feb 29, 2008 23:44 why not do a quiz? yakked from jul:

+_1. Are you dating the person you text most?
uhh, NO, since that would be my brother, and well, that's just a tad illegal. the second person i text the most is a guy i used to hook up with, sooo tom would have a thing or two to say about that...

+_2. What did you do at 12 o'clock last night?
sleep...duh i had work in the morning

+_3. What do you want?
to write. and have talent. and feel like i have talent. stupid insecurities

+_4. Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
my boy

+_5. Do you talk to yourself?
hmm, not to myself, as in conversation, but i think aloud often enough

+_6. Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
yuck, no. besides the fact that i don't buy "cartons" of milk because then you get that icky cardboard flavor aftertaste.

+_7. Who knows a dark secret or two about you?
now why on earth would i reveal that here? ;) every girl's got to have SOME secrets!

+_8. How long is your hair?
i just cut it, so just past my shoulders

+_9. Do you like Batman?
adam west, now and forever.

+_10. Who did you last hug?
tom when i walked through the door tonight.

+_11. Do you swear at your parents?
no. i try not to swear at all, but the whole commuting into the city thing has gotten me a bit more hard-edged lately than i'd like to be.

+_13. When was the last time you lied?
hmm, not sure.

+_14. When was the last time you cried?
last actual cry and not a few stupid tears was a few weeks back when i accidentally unearthed (and subsequently went through) the box holding memories of my dad.

+_15. Is your birthday on a holiday?
does the anniversary of the boston tea party count as a holiday?

+_16. What instant messaging service do you use?
ichat...yay macs!

+_19. Last thing you cooked today?
does heating up a hot pocket for lunch count? or oatmeal for breakfast?

+_20. Did you have a nap today?
sadly, no. they should really install a nap room at work. i've been tempted to go down to medical on a few occasions during lunch to ask if i could lie down for an hour. haven't gotten that desperate yet, though (by the way, i REALLY miss working in the same building as my mom. i used to go upstairs and visit her on lunch and nap in a chair. t'was nice!)

+_21. Whose house did you go to last?
my mom's, last weekend.

+_22. Do you like green beans?
yes, yummy! though i prefer cooked carrots, if i had to choose my fav.

+_23. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
jc penney

+_24. Have any regrets?
who doesn't?

+_25. Do you use alarm clocks?
clock, no. alarm setting on my phone, religiously. which subsequently gets very strange when someone has the ring tone i use for my alarm as their actual phone ring.

+_26. Where are you?
in my apartment, lying on the couch with my laptop on my lap. watchin' the snow fall...

+_27. Do you ever snort when you laugh?

+_28. What’s the first thing you notice on the opposite sex?
hair and eyes. i have a thing for long hair. which is strange because i've never actually dated within my physical "type"...nice long-haired pretty boys (ie legolas)

+_29. Is cheating ever okay?
no. can be forgiven, can even understand certain reasons for it, but it's never condoned.

+_30. Do you want someone you can't have?
hmm. interesting question. if polygamy was allowed, perhaps, but since i don't live in that sort of culture, i plan on being mighty happy with the one i've got ;)

+_31. Do you wear underwear?
it baffles me that this question actually warrants asking. YES!!!

+_32. Have you ever kissed two guys in one night?
hahaha, well, does performing in rocky horror count? because then it was like, 10 people in one night, and a mix of guys and girls. all in the name of acting, naturally.

+_33. Are you a social person or an antisocial person?
depends on my mood; i can be either or, or a little bit of both. generally social though; i just like my me quiet time when i want it.

+_34. What radio station(s) do you listen to?
this question does in fact presume that i listen to the radio.......if forced to, 95.5, 101.5, etc.

+_35. Are you afraid of the dark?
yes. not as much as when i was little, but my imagination always runs away with me. (incidentally, i'm also afraid of looking into telescopes for much of the same reason: irrational fear that whatever i see through the lens will be horrifying and just pop out at me. though i love astronomy. and telescopes. hey, i never said i was normal)

+_36. Did/do you miss someone today?
yes, all the time

+_37. Last person who told you your problems were going to be okay?
liz, and it was comforting and true


+_1. Are you jealous of one or more of your friends?
sometimes, but not in any detrimental way

+_2. Have you known any of your friends your whole life?
since kindergarten

+_4. Have you ever been ditched by a friend?

+_5. Do you have your friends' phone number's memorized?
some of them, like the ones i had to call for years before getting a cell phone!

+_6. Have you lost or forgotten a friends phone number?
oh gosh yes...i'm horrible with that!

+_7. Have you been to most of your friends' houses?


+_1. Do you play with things when nervous?
mmm, not specifically. i generally like to just keep my hands busy regardless, and when i'm reading at work i usually twirl a paperclip for that very reason.

+_2. Do you have an odd obsession with knives?
no. they're cool, but no odd obsessions here

+_3. Do you sleep with the door open or closed?

+_4. Is there at least one sound you cant stand?
oh lots. chomping on food, for one. also any repeated sound in an otherwise quiet area. PEOPLE TALKING ON THE PHONE ON THE TRAIN. cracking knuckles.

+_5. What is your worst habit?
it's hard to get an idea out of my head once it's planted has to run its course and either i'll go along with it or realize it's futile, but it's hard for other people to impact that


+_1. Who do you love?
family, friends, tom

+_2. Do you want to kill one of your ex's?
not at all

+_3. Do you get bored of your girlfriend/boyfriend easily?

+_4. Has one of your crushes ever called you self centered before?
not that i recall, no


+_1. Abortion?

+_2. Gay marriage not ok?
absolutely not. people should be allowed to live their own lives, as long as that life doesn't involve hurting another. love is love, and the world would be a much better place if we would finally realize that we're all the same species! believe what you believe, love who you love (umm, except pedophiles). end of story.

+_3. Is pink an ugly color?
hot pink, potentially. pink in general, no.

+_4. Needles aren't so horrible?
nope, except for the one they give to shoot anesthesia into the top of your mouth for wisdom tooth extractions. apparently there's a whole bundle of nerves of there and it feels like the needle is shooting out the top of your head.

and ivs. i HATE ivs. i've only had one, and it went horribly painfully wrong.

so the needle i'm not afraid of. it's the resulting pain that i'm not much of a fan of. :)

+_5. Do you have plenty of secrets?
wasn't this a question already? or are you just trying to trick me into divulging top-secret information? hah! i figured you out!


+_1. Have you ever fallen UP the stairs?
well, i've infamously fallen while running up a down escalator. very painful, let me tell you. was feeling the results of that one for months.

+_2. Have you ever had a nail fall off?

+_3. Have you ever slapped someone across the face?
nope, not that i recall

+_4. Have you ever killed anyone?
i plead the fifth, and no, you're not getting out of me the secret of where i hid the bodies

+_5. Would you wear the same clothes for a week straight?
does having the flu and staying in your jammies count? because i've most certainly done that (and then i couldn't figure out why regular clothes didn't fit after that week, and it was because i had lost so much weight from...well, being sick...and that was a little strange)

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