"Grab that girl" - Lucy to us

Jun 06, 2007 13:00

1. Front row center 5/31 & 6/1 for Lucy Lawless...stood in line from 2pm-7pm on 6/1 which paid off...I got Lucy's capped half full water bottle (Lucy DNA) To drink or not to drink...
2. 6/1 show--She slapped my hand so hard, my wrist hurt only stopped hurting today (awesome)
3. Going to be on the concert DVD, had to sign a waiver
4. 6/2 show--Maybe 5th row, finally got to be intoxicated though when the hottest girl there, Julia, bought me 2 doubles of vodka & diet coke (a double, but 2 of 'em, one for each hand) and we got totally smashed, Lucy pointed to us like 4 times, lovin' it
5. Cuteness w/ Julia somehow turned the entire Xena fanbase against me so I spent Sunday with Chris the photographer & got a total behind-the-scenes. Alexandra Tydings--Aphrodite--liked it best there too & after 30 seconds of her talking & she's all scrubbed out, cursing, a total soccor mom with beat up hot pink sneakers, showing me pics of her kids on her Blackberry, I relaxed around her because she was so not Aphrodite.
What a freak (good kind), I got to watch her photo ops & she just would not put her arm around anyone for anything...it wasn't her thing at all. When the line was finally over & it was my turn, she initated a hug & *wow* put her arm around me
6. Renee wore her "Heart of Darkness" bikini top/outfit used during the seductive Xena/Gabrielle dance
7. I bought a fakeass Rolex (love) & a replica of Lucy's diamond claw necklace that literally caught my eye from a vendor's setup across the street and started the trend...then left in Julia's cupholder in her car :**( and of course, she denied it
8. Pics coming...
Lucy singing What's Up (SO fucking GOOD, she says fuck)

Lucy singing True Colors
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