Update November 2013

Nov 11, 2013 13:32

Quick update - investigation stage of my suspension is now over. Just waiting for an independent manager to decide whether it warrants a disciplinary. My rep thinks it shouldn't come to that as the most that I've done wrong is poor record keeping at times, which isn't a disciplinary offence. Pretty much I've been exonerated over the original allegation which was that I gave a patient the wrong advice (which I didn't). So I've been suspended for no real reason which I knew, but it's nice to have it verified a little. I've put in a grievance over the bullying I've experienced and my rep has basically said I can't go back to my previous job as it would be unsafe for me.

I'm feeling a lot better in myself as all the investigations have prove that I was completely mismanaged from the start and there was a complete failure on the trust and my managers part to help me properly. Counselling seems to be helping a little although I still get quite depressed and anxious at times, but at least there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel now.


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