I will be filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed and numbered. My life is not my own.

Apr 15, 2009 20:25

As a 28-year-old who quite frankly is starting to look his age, I cannot fathom why supermarkets expect me to bring my f*cking passport with me if I choose to pop a bottle of prosecco in with the spinach, goat's cheese, wholewheat pasta &c that constitute my innocuous middle-class weekly shop. Our society has become very sick. I think we badly need a change of government and that if they have any sense/conscience, the Conservatives will base their campaign on overruling much of the surveillance, nanny-state, liquids-in-a-clear-plastic-bag, guilty-until-proven-innocent bullshit that we have to put up with.
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