Long overdue

Apr 21, 2007 13:25

Not being in school is a weird feeling - something I've never had since I started kindergarten as a tender toddler of four.

Summer vacations were the worst, actually - summer school was rarely fun and you never knew anyone around you.

But now I'm genuinely done, no more school unless I enroll in a grad school a couple years from now. Makes you wonder - since I'm not going to stop learning (in fact, I'm one of those people who truly believes that as far as gettin' smarter, college has been nothing but a waste of 4 years of my life. It's interesting that I had this premonition in high school. I argued for several hours with my Latin teacher that college was going to be a waste of my intellectual time. I guess I was precocious - not only because I had more or less learned everything that I'd ever learn, but also because I held a position about college that I hold today, 4 years almost to the month later). [in the interest of full disclosure, for about 2 years I thought that I was actually learning things - but I mistook intellectual development with social development and now I'd surely say that I "matured" in college, so college isn't completely useless!]

Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, now I'm forced to learn without training wheels. Let me explain this metaphor - for the last 16 years of schooling, I've been given a syllabus that lays out in absolutely unambiguous language what I should learn and when I will be tested to see if I had indeed learned what I was meant to learn. In essence, I gave up diversity of learning for structure, I forfeited learning what was important to me for the ease of a scheduled and laid out program.

Now that I'm entering the real world, the sylabus is determined by me, the topics are hand picked by me, and I have full control over my development.

...oy I'm watching old boy ( a classic korean film) so I'll continue this later!!!!
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