Jul 25, 2007 01:24
Disclaimer: I love my sister very much and i wouldn't trade her for anything
she sure knows how to piss me off. We all have to wake up in 4 hours to catch a flight and everyone has been in bed for quite sometime and for me that is no easy task but some how i managed to fall asleep around 11 which i haven't been able to do in years. So Tracy why are you awake you ask? well let me tell you, my sister decided it was a good idea to go out with her friends to dollar margaritta night tonight and she just walked in the door. First she bursts open my door but i kinda give her a half awake go away and she leaves and i fall back asleep, she then bursts open my parents door and i hear yelling but still manage to fall asleep THEN my door opens the light comes on and i have a hysterical DRUNK sara standing in my doorway holding a suitcase, why the tears and the yelling you ask, well my parents and I failed to find her a suitcase that was big enough to fit all of her things in and the world is caviing in around her drunk self and she can not believe how inconciderate her family is durring this trying time.
She really has a lot of growing up to do, she should have packed before she left to go out or not have gone out at all, she should have made sure there was a suitcase that was big enough for her things, and she sure as hell should have enough decency to know that it is not ok to wake people in the middle of the night because they failed to accomplish to your standards a favor that was asked of them. Might i add that this is after i drove her to daytona and loaned her $500 (no its not missing a decimal place) in the same day, but i failed to find her a suitcase so i get my ass chewed out at 130 in the morning..... wonderful