(no subject)

Jun 02, 2006 11:00

Title: U-Day
Author: capnzoe
Email: capnzoe@yahoo.com
Summary: Mal and Zoë celebrate another U-Day
Rating: PG
Characters: Mal and Zoe
Pairing: M/Z
Spoilers/Timeline: AU during series..
Disclaimer: Capn’ Tightpants and crew belong to the great and powerful Joss.
Author's Note: Tons and tons of love to my girl razycrandomgirl!! This is a quick fic I wrote for her in thanks for her well wishes on my birthday and her encouragement to write more fic!! :-)
Archive: shinywriter

It was U-day. Again. And Mal had gone looking for a fight. Again. Zoe loved her husband but she was getting tired of this ridiculous and mighty painful tradition. No matter how hard she tried, those baby blues and that smart mouth always seemed to convince her to go out for a friendly drink come this day every year.

They sat in their bunk aboard Serenity, nursing fresh bruises.

"If you think you're getting any tonight, you can just forget it."

"C'mon Zo! We got them hun dans good! Besides, we've done stuff with worse wounds than this." He kissed her shoulder and tried to put the moves on his wife. She avoided him and moved to the other side of the bed.

"It's not funny, Mal. This is the last time I'm doing this. Picking a fight every year on the day we lost is not going to change the outcome of the war. I've accepted it and you need to do the same."

Mal dropped his eyes and stared at his hands. He ran a bandaged hand through his dirty brown hair and got up from the bed, standing with his back to her.

Damn. Zoe regretted her words immediately. She knew better. She stood and wrapped her arms around him from the back. He flinched forward a little but didn't break her embrace.

"Husband, I love you. I hate the war and I hate those blue bastards, but I love you. Making yourself hurt needlessly every year is no way to commemorate our fight."

Mal turned to his wife and placed a hand on her cheek. His eyebrows furrowed as he studied her face.

"I love you Zoe and I'm sorry. I shouldn't drag you into these things every year."

"Was that an apology?"

"Don't get too excited, that may be the last time you get one of those."

Zoe grinned.

"Have I ever told you how much apologies turn me on."

"Mmmm..." He kissed her neck. "I'm gonna have to keep that in mind."

He picked her up and took her back to the bed.

This particular U-day had a happy ending.

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