my poetry is just terrible

Jan 12, 2009 09:16

Classes are back in full swing. It would be redundant to mention how much I looooathe poetry, so I won't. (But for the record, can't stand it. Writing it, that is. I don't mind reading a select few poets; Tennyson, for example.) But my other two classes should be fun. Victorian Children's Lit. and Writing for the Stage/Screen. I have much to do in terms of homework for all classes so this will be a short entry.

I need a job. I have one, but I'm down to about 4 hours/week, and this week I don't even have any hours. "Corporate," the infamous entity known to all, has decreed that my store can only allot 124 hours for employees. We have two full-time employees, so that's 80 gone right off the bat. Then we have Susan, who works about 30 hours. That leaves about 14 hours for the rest of us, meaning the five remaining employees. So the five of us have to divvy up 14 hours, which means it's impossible to give us the hours we need. Bottom line, I need more work. Unfortunately, with the economy like it is, nobody's hiring anyway. Bother. (If anyone comes across anything, let me know!)

In good news, we found a car for $2,000! And it's not a piece of crap. It's a 2000 Ford Focus. Tiny, tiny car with no leg room. But it's red and it works, so I'm fine with sacrificing leg room. I told Jeremy, though, that when we do eventually buy cars for ourselves in the future, I'm getting an SUV. A small one, granted, but an SUV all the same. I love the Kia Sportage; something like that. In the meantime I'll stick with my Ford Focus. I mean, it's only $2,000-- sweet deal if you ask me. We test drove it for like an hour, and there's nothing horribly wrong with it. The power locks don't work, which is aggravating but not a deal breaker. And the mileage is high (173 thousandish). But on a car less than 10 years old, mileage isn't such a big deal because it'll run well with regular maintenance, so I've been told by parents and such. Anyway, we found a car and today my dad's taking me to pick it up. So hooray.

Mm. That's all for now.
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