Day 10 | A photo of you taken over ten years ago
This is an easy one, because I only have access to two pictures of me that are that old. I might as well post them both...
Ah, Dupont/Boutetourt clubbing! These beautiful people were some of the other RAs on the same staff as I was at William and Mary. We were a pretty tight-knit staff, and we hung out together a lot. At least once a year, we'd go clubbing, or as close to clubbing as there was around Williamsburg. Usually we'd drive down to Norfolk to go to the Have a Nice Day Cafe, or Club Norfolk. Wow, this picture is old...from left to right, we've got Mike Hass, yours truly, Hunter Abell, his girlfriend at the time and PA Jessica something, Brad Lindsenmeyer, Mary Beth Canty, Lori Palen, Annie Meredith, Christen Raymend, and Eileen Kiley. Fun fact, I had a huge crush on those last three at different times. I haven't talked to several of these people for YEARS, but we all had fun at the time. And since we're on pictures of the staff...
Here's a similar group, at Halloween, obviously. The girl in the middle is Shree Kurlekar, she was such a sweetheart. That toga I'm wearing was made for me back in high school for Latin Academy (oh so nerdy) and I actually still have the toga itself, and I wear it for my students each year. The tunic vanished somewhere a few years back, and so I need to have a new ensemble made. And now I'm going to go do some crunches or something, with the memory of my youth haunting me.