Feb 10, 2007 14:07
Thursday Amy's grandmother coughed during a lung biopsy and got a hole in the lining around her lung. The didn't get enough of a sample so she'll likely have to have full-on surgery. Bummer.
Thursday night I realized that I had to get something from a friend in Salem. On the way back home my car's engine caught fire. Actual flame, on my engine. I'm thinking it was a fuel line. That car is so over.
Friday the HR person for the job I have been trying to land (since my successful interview in November) said she would call me back in the afternoon. She didn't.
Today we woke up to sewage in the bottom of the shower and a toilet that would not drain. That's adverse, but it got fixed.
The most unusual thing: I'm not sad, or mad, worried or anxious. I'm trusting God and praising Him. I'm sure that we will come through all of this better for it. I feel like I'm ready to turn 30 next week.