Lost Without You--Chapter One

Nov 12, 2011 02:00

*My spell check is telling me that there are a bunch of spelling errors in this that I just can't find. Sorry if there are still some that are truly there and not just my spell check being retarded. If you notice anything wrong, please let me know. Kay, thanks. (: *

Title: Lost Without You - Chapter One
Summary: To Destery, what happened, happened, and all that mattered was that he and Nathan were happy. To Nathan, feeling this way was unacceptable and humiliating.
Rating/Warnings: PG13; cuss words, suggestive language/actions, homosexual thoughts and actions, angst, gay kissing, adorable DesandNate guys
A/N: This story's about these two little poofs: http://www.youtube.com/user/DesandNate?blend=1&ob=4  Oh, and I finally realized I've been spelling Destery's name wrong, "Destrey" I thought it was...well, anyways...thanks for reading even though it's not Ianthony; I just think these two would be adorable together. C:
PS) I used the word "realized" way too much. I have no idea why. Please excuse my repetitiveness. =)
Disclaimer: Unless I have mystical psychic powers, this never happened. I'm also, sadly, not associated with DesandNate. -Insert other boring crap no one really cares about here.-

Okay mateys, let's be off to sea, then!

Lost Without You

I walked out of my bedroom yawning, stretching my arms in the air as I came out into the kitchen. I was sure I looked totally attractive, with my black hair sticking up in all directions and knotted in the back, two-size-too-big tee shirt and baggy sweatpants, lumbering, tired body I had to drag out of my room, and whatever that gross stuff is under your eyes in the morning? Oh, hell yeah, every woman's wet dream. 
    I dropped my arms back down to my sides and nodded to Nathan, who was sitting at the small kitchen table, and went to grab milk, cereal, and dishes for breakfast. When I sat down to pour myself a bowl of Cheerios, I noticed how Nathan looked. Just...off. Different. His orange-red hair disheveled even further than mine, his eyes strutting dark circles behind thin framed glasses(was he wearing those fake things just to hide that??), his back hunched over as he stared down, apparently finding his cup of coffee quite interesting, not moving his eyes from it. I hated seeing him like this; being his best friend for too many years to count, I could easily tell when he was troubled. Now was one of those times. I drummed my fingers on the table for a moment, trying to think of something to cheer him up. 
    Like always, I decided to be myself, a total dumb ass.
    I picked up a dry Cheerio that had spilled out of the box, held it between my thumb and index finger, held it up to my eye, closed an eye, aimed, and flicked it across the table to land on Nathan's face. His head darted up, and he put a hand to his cheek where he'd been assaulted. "What the hell, Destery?" His grimacing face dissolved into a grin after a moment. He must've seen the devious Oh-Destery-you-little-bitch smirk on my face. "Oh, okay, so it's like that, is it?" His eyes scanned the table in front of him and I held up my arm in an attempt to block the coffee he suddenly dipped his fingers in and flicked at me. It didin't fail to get on my face and in my hair(NO, my beautiful hair...). 
    "Oh, oohh," I said dramatically while he laughed at my pathetic, desperate wiping at the sticky liquid on my face. "Oh, that's just great," I smiled and looked up at him, relieved to see a brightened look on his face. It was good that he was distracted from whatever. We locked eyes for a moment, and I saw something. A glimmer, a twinkle. I don't know, something. Something shined in those eyes. After a moment, he downcast his eyes, staring back down at his drink. The smile disappeared from his face. He cleared his throat and pushed his chair back. 
    "I'm going to shower." he stated coldly, jumping to his feet and crossing the kitchen swiftly. I jumped up as fast as I could. Nope, nuh-uh. No going back to a crappy mood. No way was I dealing with his drama queen shit right now. I grabbed his shoulder and pinned him against the wall, chuckling at the girly, squealish noise that came from the surprised boy.
    "No no no, don't you do that," I said, shaking my head. He breathed deeply, still calming down from my attack, his breath warm on my close face, and met my gaze.
    "What the hell? Do what?" he asked, still trying to steady his breathing. I thought for a moment.
    "...This! Stop being cranky! Or at least tell me what's up." I shook his shoulders a few times, keeping a firm grasp on them. Nathan rolled his eyes and tried to squirm out of my hold to no avail. "No! No going until you're happy," I shook him again, his head lolling back and forth, his glasses falling to the kitchen floor. 
    "Nice job, douche. Let me go!" he said, pushing at my chest. Yeah, like his scrawny arms could push me away. 
    "Dude. I will shove a morbidly obese snorlax coated in sandpaper on fire up your ass if you don't stop this shit," I said through laughter, easily holding my ground against his pathetic shoving. He sighed and dropped his arms. After a moment, a grin broke through his grumpy grimace and a loud laugh escaped him.
    "Sand paper and fire? Oh, damn!" I laughed with him, loosening my grip on his shoulders. He didin't seem to notice. Our eyes met and, suddenly, everything seemed to change around me. It felt like there was some kind of a shift in the atmosphere. Our laughter had faded and I kind of just stood there, unable to break away from his gaze. I could feel my face heat--was that his breath? Or blush? Why was it so hot all of a sudden?...Was I losing my balance or something??
    My jumbled, nonsense thoughts were interrupted by a realization. All of a sudden, we were kissing.
    I was kissing Nathan.
    We were kissing. Our lips were pressed together. They were touching. There was no space between them. They'd come in contact, and stayed mashed together unmoving. Nathan's wide eyes mirrored mine, filled with shock.
    Did I kiss him? Maybe he kissed me? I had no clue. I pulled away quickly, my hands still resting on his shoulders. I felt my neck and face redden. I stared at Nathan, paralyzed, unable to form words with my gaping mouth, standing there like an idiot. God, what just happened?
    I stood against the wall, my head spinning and vision slightly blurry. Destery stood in front of me, mouth hanging with no words coming out, and he admittedly looked adorable with his flustered, blushing face and all. His face was inches from mine; his hands burned on my shoulders.Thank the Lord I could put all my weight on the wall; I might have collapsed and fainted right there otherwise. One moment, Destery's being his goofy self, making the grey clouds(caused by thinking too much of HIM, of course,) go away. The next, he's losing his balance and stumbling forward, resulting in our faces mashing together; resulting in our lips meeting.....resulting in us kissing.
    I just kissed Destery Moore. My best friend.  
    It took a moment to realize it. Destery spacing out, stumbling forward, something warm and soft on my lips.....Once the fact settled in my mind, everything started spinning. My mind wanted me to do a thousand things; shove him away, shout and scream bloody murder, wipe his taste away with discust...my body, however, wanted to do one thing only; stay completely still and enjoy this while it lasted. I couldn't get my body to give up that stupid desire. Destery's eyes widened, matching my own, and he pulled away after a moment of...hesitation?
    I would've said something to save him from gaping like a goldfish like that, but I couldn't think straight. In more ways than one. All I could think of was how amazing his lips felt against mine, and how awful I was for thinking it. I couldn't stop replaying the moment in my mind long enough to get a grip on reality, steady my balance, calm the deep blush tinting my face, or straighten out my spinning vision. I didn't notice, that much ayway, Destery's look go from shocked and embarrassed to a softer, more unreadable expression. I looked into his swirling hazel-brown eyes, seeing nothing to help me understand what was going on. His eyes left mine for a brief moment to look at...my chin? 
    Destery closed his mouth, and his cheeks went from tinted with blush to deep scarlet. Big, brown eyes kept looking down and back up. Realization hit me that he wasn't looking at my chin, but at my lips...and he was leaning in...
Holy mother of hippos. Destery, Destery Moore, the love of my life, kissed me by accident....and wanted to kiss me again? I couldn't get my body to move or respond in any way. I just stood there as his face neared mine slowly, his eyes looking into mine for some kind of sign whether I was okay with this. I don't know what my eyes said back, but I wished I would've shut them up; they were probably screaming. 
    Destery's nose brushed mine, and warm breath blew across my mouth where his lips hovered. Hands shook slightly on my shoulders. At this point, he wasn't moving at all, just standing there frozen. Before I could stop myself, my stupid body took control again, closing my eyes and leaning my head forward to kiss him. Our lips were still, unmoving at first. After a moment, though, he moved his lips against mine, and damn, did it feel good. I let go of my mind, letting the spazzed out thoughts drift away, and let my body take control. I moved my lips against his, melting at every movement between our connected mouths. My hand had somehow snaked its way up to cup Destery's neck, and I pulled him in closer, shuddering at his eager response. His head pushed mine against the wall, pulling an unexpected, and quite embarrassing, groan from the back of my throat. I lost my self in the dizzying pleasure of the moment, unaware of our surroundings. It wasn't until I felt Destery's tongue graze my bottom lip that the fact dawned on me: this...was a gay kiss. That I liked. That made me gay. More gay than I had been, only dreaming of this moment before.
    Realization hit me; hard. This was wrong. This was what I'd forced myself not to do for years. My eyes flew open and I shoved Destery away with force; I may be weaker than him, but I had caught him by surprise. He stumbled back, his hands sliding off my shoulders. His rosy face showed confusion, his wide eyes filled with a mix of surprise, confusion, and rejection. He stood gaping at me, waiting for answers. Explanations for why I pushed him away...or how all that had happened in the first place. My mouth opened and closed several times as I tried to string together a sentence with my spinning, stirring head. "N-no, that...that didn't just happen," I managed to stutter. I swallowed hard, staring at Destery, who now had a small smile touching his lips.
    "But...it did happen," he muttered quietly. I almost melted into a puddle right there, looking at his bashful smile, scarlet cheeks, bright eyes staring back into mine...he looked like an angel. I mentally slapped myself for thinking that way and raised an eyebrow. How could he think so lightly about this? Why was he such an optimistic person?
    "No...it's not right. Didn't happen...couldn't have..." I kept rambling, mumbling, not knowing half the words that came out of my mouth. Destery rolled his eyes. "It just...It's not...right...I-"
    "Nathan." Destery silenced my incessant rambling. I sighed and pursed my lips. "You can deny what just happened forever, but it doesn't change anything," he said sedately. I was exploding inside. How the hell was he so calm?
    "Destery!" I nearly shouted, causing him to flinch, "This...isn't right! Don't you get it?" His smile diminished, fading into a dejected, small frown, much like one a small child has whilst being yelled at.
    "Get what?" Destery muttered, pleading, confused eyes looking questioningly into mine. I wished he'd stop acting so innocent. It was making me feel like a dick. Still, he just didn't seem to get it. Nervousness and shyness turned to anger in the pit of my stomach. I was suddenly boiling over; angered by the situation, by my fucked up mind, by Destery's cluelessness of the reality of eveything. A small part of me, shoved into the back of my mind, felt bad for Destery, having to be the target of my aggravation.
    "This is GAY, Destery! We're fucking guys! Best friends! It's...it's fucked up! Do you know how long I've been pusing these feelings away?!" My fists were clenched and breath came in shaky, deep huffs. Destery looked dumbfounded. What had I just blurted out..?
    "Nathan...I..." he whimpered, almost muted. He swallowed before talking again, looking down at his feet. "I didn't know you felt that way..." He was surprised, confused, hurt. I knew it, but the aggravation still boiled in me. I didn't try to rein it in. 
    "Yeah, I know that, Destery," I snapped, "I knew it was wrong and gay, and I made sure no one knew," He looked back up at me with red rimmed eyes. 
    "What's..." he squeaked and cleared his throat after cracking his voice on the word, "What's so wrong about it?" His lip quivered slightly, and tears threatened to escape his glossy eyes. I was being harsh with my tone of voice, I knew that. I sighed, trying to calm myself. He continued to quietly reason. "If..." he paused to clear his throat again, shifting his weight awkwardly, "if being-" he avoided using the word, "erm, if liking each other like that....feels that way...why the hell should we care about who thinks it's wrong?" He sounded so sure, so honest. Damn it, why did he have to be so god damn optimistic? Why couldn't he understand that no one would ever look at us the same again? I wanted to yell again, but I met his gaze, unable to break away. His lips shook, his eyes shone with the threat of tears. I didn't know what to do. I desperately needed him to understand that we couldn't just say whatever and do what we wanted, but I couldn't hurt him more, couldn't see that pained expression on his face and know it was me causing it. It stung. 
    Panicking, I thought on my feet. "Destery..." I muttered, "I'm...I'm sorry. It's best if I just...If I just give you space," I didn't let my body take control again and forced my feet to move. I hurriedly turned and walked out of the kitchen to the front door. Destery didn't stop me, but called out to me desperately. 
    "Nathan, don't...please," he whined. I paused, my hand on the doorknob, and sighed. I fought the urge to run back and pull him into a tight embrace, holding him close and whispering how sorry I was.
    "I have to, Destery. ...I...Bye," I mumbled, pulled the door open and threw myself out, trying not to slam it to loud behind me. Bye; all I could say at the moment. Where I was going and for how long I had no idea. Bye was really all I could say. I walked down the driveway to my car, shuddering from the brisk November air, and got in my piece of crap automobile. Glad I had my keys with me at the time, I fished them out of my pocket and shoved the key into the ignition, pulling out and speeding away. I took out my phone and dialed the first number that came to mind.
    She answered on the second ring. "Hello?"
    "Abby...I need you. Now,"

To be continued...and other dramatic junk like that.

kiss, desandnate, chapter one, youtube, angst, you, lost, without, destery, yaoi, part one, gay, slash, nathan

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