Hey kids.

May 08, 2010 15:26

Long time no talk, eh?

As most of you already know, I'm working in Skagway, Alaska this summer from May to September. I get back to Athens the evening of September 19th. I'm gonna be a bit lonely up there, so I'll probably end up writing/whining here more.

If we're Facebook friends, you'll see lots of nifty pictures. :)

So pre-move, I'd been seeing Katie on and off for awhile. A few weeks before I left, we went back to friends-only territory. Yippie. I wasn't quite shocked; we'd done that dance about 10 times before. I'm cool with it. The thing is...every time we did it, she and I would both agree that we should at least be friends. We have this deep connection. We laugh together like I don't laugh with anyone else. I want that in my life. However, she became really distant the past couple weeks I was in town. She wouldn't keep in touch and wouldn't get together with me. The last time I saw her was her birthday (I got her a bunch of graphic novels). She didn't come to my going away party. That hurt. I feel like it's my fault for some reason. I know I kinda pushed her toward a relationship when she wasn't ready, but I didn't push hard. It was more of a mention. I dunno. Just need to write this down, I guess.

In the meantime, I've started talking to this nifty girl named Kat, who seems almost too good to be true. Haha. It's only gonna make the 4 months that much longer, but it's nice.

I've been here since Tuesday night. I've got to see Amanda, Kathryn, and The Accident That Led Me to the World. I even made it over to Westview. Maegan's gonna come with me to watch UFC 113 tonight. I'm pumped because I get to talk to Maegan and also get to watch an event with someone who's also really into it. *pees a lil* I'm gonna try to go see Jake's band play while I'm here, if they have a show. They're pretty durn good. I was really impressed when I heard their demo.

I'm in MA until Friday. Then I get on a plane to Seattle, spend the night at Missy's (yay!), take a plane the next day to Juneau, then one to Skagway. My butt shall be sore once again, but I'll be there!

People keep asking me if I'm excited and the answer is yes, I am...but it's not quite real yet, y'know? I'm still 4,000 miles away from where I'll be in a bit over a week. I'll have to judge how I feel when I arrive, which I'm sure I'll document here.

When I'm there, I'll be working by butt off. I hope that to be literal. I plan to take advantage of the physical labor I do to get healthier and lose weight. Since I moved to Athens I've lost somewhere between 20 and 30 lbs, depending upon the scale. When I'm in AK I want to lose at least 20. I plan to hike as much as I possibly can in my free time, and read everything their library has to offer. Reading "Call of the Wild" while sitting under a tree in Alaska sounds pretty appealing to me. :)

So yes, if you're in MA and want to hang out, please let me know. Get in touch before the 14th. Have a good one!
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