Devin and I were walking downtown and this lady gave us this pamphlet
" No Christian or any sane person should have anything to do with any
of these practices. They are evil and should never be used for
entertainment, amusement, or education"
what exactly is their definition of sane.
It goes on and on about how Harry Potter is out to corrupt the minds of children. And the devil is behind it all.
this is my favorite part.
"Anytime the dark side of the supernatural world is presented as
harmless or even imaginary, there is the danger that children will
become curious and find too late that witchcraft is neither harless nor
It also came with this.
Christ is definately my life preserver. I can't even type that without laughing.
I find it so funny that this woman was spending her saturday trying to save people from Harry Potter.
So basically if you read Harry Potter your going to hell. Just a heads up.
p.s. sorry about the webcam images I don't have a scanner.
p.p.s. if I ofended anyone then thats too bad. you should probably learn to be less crazy.