Feb 19, 2004 22:19
I've had more exciting Thursday nights in the past. My search for something to do started by going to Heather's room for a little conversation before I went out to a jazz concert. Now this concert was musically impressive, but I've never been a big fan of jazz music. Instead I sat with my cup of orange and spice tea and clapped in between songs for 45 minutes. After that I came back to the room, got the urge to leave, grabbed my manuscript paper, and headed to O'Connell to maybe write a nice little piece. Of course there's someone else on the piano, so I wandered into one of the study rooms to find Jess and her friend studying math. I sat and watched them study math until I became disinterested.
As I was walking out the door 30 seconds later, I felt anxiousness creeping up on me. It happens when my boredom reaches dangerous heights. And that puts me back here, writing in a LiveJournal, looking like an all-star. It happens to the best of us.
I feel like writing something a little more personal now, so I'll catch all my avid readers later. Oh, feel free to criticize format and/or colors...trying to make this thing look smooth. Like silk.
Argh, bitch!
Cap'n Adam