{NINTH VOYAGE - You're all too loud}

Oct 08, 2008 17:23

Tsk, tsk, Gambler. Losing my things again. We'll have to wipe the slates clean, sir! Must you? MUST YOU?

[gratuitous throat-clearing.]

Now, kiddies. You're all so noisy and Uncle Redd needs his beauty rest, you see? Aha!

So I'm giving you a warning. All of you. One strike and then you're out. OUT!


ALSO: EVEN WORTH has been put into the BRIG. He is in Deck 56 - passengers cannot get down there without crew assistance. He still has his communicator, but it will be crackly (and yes, he is affected by the event as well.) Even, you will be fed gruel once a day. It's dark, dank, smelly, and there seem to be skeletons as guards. You will be released in three days.

A section concerning punishments will be put up on the FAQ. In case Redd was too wacko for you to understand, you get one warning, and then a punishment. Fatalities get no warning. One strike, you're out. ALL WARNINGS HAVE BEEN RESET; WE WILL BE KEEPING SCORE FROM NOW ON. Sorry for the confusion, bbs. <3]

gambler, even worth, event!, tsk tsk babies

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