Mar 16, 2010 22:31



[A newspaper drops from the ceiling and smacks Ganondorf on the nose before transporting him to the brig.]

No doggy biscuit for you.

[OOC: For attacking Jak and Ironhide, as well as killing Phoenix, Ganondorf has been transported to the brig for three days. For an entire week, he will be transformed into an alternate form and forced to wear this.

Any time he tries to make any use of elemental magic, flowers will sprout from his ears and nose instead. Any attempt to possess another person will instead result in a driving need to serve the person for the space of an hour.

Also, he will smell like rotten cabbage and feel a constant, driving urge to spend his waking moments in highly populated common areas like the restaurants, bars, and library. A sparkly Ganondorf should not be missed by anyone, after all.]

[EDIT: Additionally, any singing macaroni necklaces have spontaneously begun singing once more. They will continue for three hours before exploding into jello and petroleum.]


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