
Dec 04, 2009 03:36

Isabella! Must you? Must you? I realise they're very irritating, but--


Rules are rules, and on my boat we keep our fangs to ourselves. To the brig with you!

[OOC: For killing Bella Cullen, Isabella is imprisoned in the brig for three days. In addition to this, for a week her hair will be an unmanagable, frizzy mess no matter what she tries. Her face will be blotchy and her makeup will run within three minutes of putting it on. Her nails will break, her highheels will snap, and she will be unable to fit into any other clothes except for leopard print, ratty sweatpants, Hannah Montana flip-flops (bright green), a grey sports bra and an oversized, baggy sweater that reads FRANKIE SAYS RELAX on the front. Also, she will have terrible b.o.]

brig, bella, isabella

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