*~I Am Such An Idiot!!~*

Jul 11, 2004 20:28

Okay well i got up around 8 or 9 and i did some shit online and then i went back to sleep then got up around ehh 12 or 1. I tried to call Romie but it was busy. That sucked. Then my mom said she was going to make pancakes and i was all like YAY !! But then, she didn't make pancakes. I came out and my brother and her had gotten into some kind of arguement and she said "you can do it yourself" to him. But, since my brother is lazy and too dumb to make pancakes and i was really wanting some pancakes because i am a fat kid so yeah i made pancakes for everybody this morning. Then i helped my dad type his paper for college ( i type all his stuff for him because he is so slow with it and i am good with this kind of thing) But, i messed it all up because i did it on word pad so it printed all kinds of fucked up! So yeah i have to go back and use Microsoft Word and redo it. Next, i talked to Romie oh YAY !! and i have to call him back around like 12 he like makes my day its so insane . . .

Now for the part about me being an idiot . . . this should make you laugh!

Okay so my dad and I are sitting outside on my back porch and the sky is gettin dark and it looks like it is about to rain. Well, my dad goes inside so i am sitting outside on my back porch by myself and sudenly i feel a little bit of water on me. Then it starts getting harder and i was like holy shit its raining! Well then i stood up and i was like OMG ITS ONLY RAINING RIGHT AROUND ME !! (total fuckin blond moment) so i run inside to tell my dad that it started to rain and it was like only right around me . . . I couldn't find him . . . He was in the front yard spraying me with the hose over top the trailer! . . . i feel so incredibly stupid right now LOL . . .

you're idiotic Live Journal buddy,
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