Aug 01, 2004 18:48
Hey! I was gone for 10 days... that's a long time... um, I have no idea what's going on around here. Anything interesting going on?
So... what was I doing? I was at our cottage the whole time. For the last half, a bunch of relatives were staying there too. So... yup, it was fun.
I got to see my cousins, who I haven't seen in a really long time--Abigail, who's 12, Michael is 10, Natalie is 6, and Cora is 5, and then there are the twins, Joseph and Gina, who just turned one. They're so cute!!
Of course it was very crowded, because most of you saw how small our cottage is. And I think Natalie and Cora were pretty jealous of the attention the babies were getting, so they were extra loud. very chaotic. and in the middle of all this, my uncle was always on the phone, because he's a real estate agent--he's like the 2nd highest rated real estate person in the milwaukee division of his company, or something like that, but anyway, there were all these people calling him about the houses they were selling, and he's trying to concentrate in the middle of all the crying babies and everything...
It was really really fun, though.