The Annual "Wish List"

Dec 17, 2007 14:34

I am forgetful... I often even forget what I want! Ergo I have a running memo in my TREO (PDA/Phone) that I frequently update as new ideas arise and old wishes are fulfilled. (I've also got a running memo of the things I've gotten - as a nice lil' reminder when I'm feeling down that lots of good things come my way.)

Last year, or maybe the year before, I decided for a couple of reasons that I would post my "Wish List" to Live Journal sometime 'round the holiday season. The blatant reason is to make it shamelessly easy for friends and family to have a clue about what kind of gifts I'm interested in. The less blatant reason is because it is fun to take a personal snapshot every now and again of certain personal characteristics so at some later date I can look back through the years and see what my life was like, interests were, etc.

Not 10 minutes ago I got a call from my sister Cyndy reminding me that I still haven't posted this year's list -- and that of course is making her shopping rather difficult. Cyndy is in many way's our family's Santa's-Elf... She is AMAZING at collecting lists from near everyone and basically doing the shopping for everyone :)! (Yep, that means not just *her* shopping, but she'll buy stuff "from" just about everyone, "for" just about everyone! - And she doesn't even charge for this awesome service!!) I know I get down on my family sometimes (who doesn't as holiday craziness starts to set in), but I really do have a great family that I love dearly.

Up until a few days ago, true to form as the weather started to sour, I had been feeling rather "HumBug"-ish... feeling completely empty on ideas for what I wanted to give, and feeling like I really didn't want anything from anyone either. [eyes roll]

Thankfully the weather got really crappy and my car was in the shop so I had to cancel a trip to Houston to visit Curtis and Lee... ?Thankfully??? Well yeah actually, 'cuz that gave me the chance to just throw up my hands, and give up, and "reset to zero" (i.e. let go a bunch of unrealistic expectations). In the empty space I noticed an invite to join some close friends for "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and "A Muppet Christmas Carol" :) . Wow did that ever hit the spot!! Since then I've been feeling downright Christmas-y.

So I guess I'm ready again to post the current version of my Wish List. (Still feel like I gotta put a disclaimer that these are just the material whims that come to mind when I'm out and about - "toys" if you will. Really, so long as I have good people to be around, good food to eat, and a good roof over my head my needs and desires are met.) OK, here goes...


WISH LIST (Last updated: 2007/11/04)

(Especially Good for X-mas Gifts...)
* ANYTHING you've hand made for me!
* "Petalo" - Musctao Spumante - champaign
* From (in order of preference - Zen Timepiece (cherry finish) / - Zen Doorbell (cherry finish) / - Zen alarm clock ("B" tone, bamboo finish) / - Book: "Integral Consciousness...")
* Tibetan Singing Bowl (e-bay)
* Gift Cert.s for car wash
* Qee collectible figures (Waterloo Records/online)
* RealFlight G4 - model airplane flight simulator
* Fresh Flowers / hard to kill house plants
* Rum Flask (small boot-leg type, stainless, w/ VW, Jolly Roger, Yin-Yang, or tattoo stencil Leo-Lion image on th' front)(Triple Bonus Points if inscribed with "Cap'm ButterCup")
* digeri-doo
* Spiral apple peeler/corer (e.g. from bed bath beyond)
* CASH - (I'm actually pretty good at spoiling myself and cash is the one gift-card that is accepted Everywhere :) ! ) [I have like 20 old unused giftcards, never have 'em when I'm in the store they are for... (usually never in th' store at all!) ]

(done sorting)

* RealFlight G4 - model airplane flight simulator
* (s-shaped) back massage knobble
* frame for my keystone painting
* Pirate/flower flag
* Qee action figure(s)
* new model airplane (esp. "SeaWind")
* 4 - 8 channel R/C Transmitter (w/dual rates and elevon mixing)(also need receiver/servos)(esp. FASST 2.4GHz)
* New wallet just like my old wallet (but new!)

* Sm Outdoor table and pair of chairs
* house plants
* Fresh Flowers
* digeri-doo
* web-cam
* active seating computer desk seat (e.g. ball seat)
* From (in order of preference - Zen Timepiece (cherry finish) / - Zen Doorbell (cherry finish) / - Zen alarm clock ("B" tone, bamboo finish) / - Book: "Integral Consciousness..."
* Tibetan Singing Bowl (e-bay)

* AirCompressor/Tank (on wheels) w/ air-tools, 1/4 HP or bigger
* welding set-up (ox-acetelene cut/weld, or TIG! but mig would be ok)
* needle-nose vise-grips
* Craftsman 19.2 volt Lithium Battery *AND* Charger
* Craftsman 19.2 volt Hand Vac
* good Leather Work Gloves (between Sm and Med)

* car wash gift certs
* nice car stereo (ButterCup and Nikki)
* new speakers - Buttercup
* new screen (& canvass) for Buttercup
* roof rack - Buttercup
* new top - nikki
* clay bar

AdventureRace / Climbing
* A.R. FirstAid kit (big)
* climbing slings/webbing for set up top-ropes
* caribeners

* flotation bag
* Nice Kayaking specific life-jacket

* solid second set of wheels
* fix for frnt shock
* cycle tights
* bike rack (replace broken on mtnbike)

* -15/20/40 sleeping bag system (two separate bags zip into each other for -15 rating)
* titanium cookset / pot-kettle

* cool slidy street puck

* yoga ball (right size for my height)

* Solidworks tutorial & software
* Laptop computer (Nice w/ DVD RW, and MS Office Suite)(mebe a tablet if it has pressure sensitive screen)
* ?Toughbook notebook (esp. for elec.van conversion)
* Cel phone accessories: bluetooth headphones

* boxers (sm/med)
* dress shirts
* dress pants (?navy & kacki too)
* nice black / brown belt(s)

* The Last Temptation of Christ
* Adrenaline Crew
* Wizards (~1970's animated)
* Baraka (?right title? , Beautiful soundtrack and visuals / No narration)

wish list, family, holiday

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