Prompt Post 001

Jul 14, 2011 19:42

Part 1 is now closed. Please direct new prompts to Part 2.

Welcome to the Captain America: The First Avenger kink meme! The general rules are below, but can also be found in the Guidelines Post. Please try to follow them, and have fun!

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  • One prompt per comment. Feel free to post more ( Read more... )

round 001, prompt post

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FILL 3b/?: Bucky/Steve/Tony [Marvel Avengers films] anonymous August 13 2011, 02:24:25 UTC
Barnes was lying on the bed in the middle of the room, hooked up to an IV and machines monitoring his vitals. He was still pale, his face still drawn-but he was alive and breathing, chest rising gently beneath the sheets. He'd broken his left leg in two places during his fall, now immobilized in a cast; that and his arm were the only things uncovered by the blankets. The mechanical arm was crude by Tony's standards, set in a socket he'd affixed to Barnes' shoulder with bare wires still showing through the pieces of sheet metal he'd cannibalized from various less-than-vital components from the jet.

"Tony," Steve rasped, and just like that, Tony's entire world revolved around him. He looked at Steve's shocked face, a little spark inside of him hoping for acknowledgement; for some sign that he'd done this right.

"That…he… Is he..?" Steve made a small motion with his hand that Tony translated into a question as to whether Barnes' revival was due to mad science or magic or both. He shook his head.

"It's him," he said gently. "Not a clone or robot or anything."

"I…" Steve took a few staggering steps forward, finally letting go of Tony's arm. The imprint of his hand still tingled, and Tony stayed near the door, watching as Steve reached the bedside to reach out a trembling hand. He brushed his fingertips across Barnes' forehead, inhaling a shaky breath as if he was finally able to believe that he was real. He sank into the chair next to the bed, grasping hold of his friend's hand as though he would never let go again.

"Thank you," he whispered. "Tony… Thank you."

And when he looked up, eyes shining with tears and desperate, utter gratitude on his face, Tony knew he that he would take apart the world piece by piece if it made Steve Rogers happy.


Re: FILL 3b/?: Bucky/Steve/Tony [Marvel Avengers films] gqgqqt August 13 2011, 02:34:49 UTC
jesus christ i love you fill!anon


Re: FILL 3b/?: Bucky/Steve/Tony [Marvel Avengers films] anonymous August 13 2011, 08:40:26 UTC


Re: FILL 3b/?: Bucky/Steve/Tony [Marvel Avengers films] anonymous August 13 2011, 03:13:38 UTC
*keyboard smash* Because, my actual smashing of keys always looks horrible :(

I LOVE THIS, AUTHORNON! Tony's ~loooove~ for Steve! Steve's gratitude! Bucky's hotness! Also cyborg!arm which I love! Eleventy!!1!



Re: FILL 3b/?: Bucky/Steve/Tony [Marvel Avengers films] cradle_song August 13 2011, 08:41:23 UTC
Yay I am not the only one who loves the cyborg!arm! I don't even know why, either, it's just hot.


Re: FILL 3b/?: Bucky/Steve/Tony [Marvel Avengers films] anonymous August 13 2011, 04:41:55 UTC
the last anon who commented before you updated here

agdjfhgdf can't believe my excellent timing, meant to comment earlier but some things got in the way orz anyway yeahhh! the angst is just -_- after a while it becomes JUST. DO. NOT. WANT. lol. and ahahaha poor tony, he's falling deeper and deeper in love lol. can't wait to see what happens when bucky wakes up! :D


Re: FILL 3b/?: Bucky/Steve/Tony [Marvel Avengers films] cradle_song August 13 2011, 08:42:45 UTC
/fuckit too tired to deal with captcha anymore

Oh yes, Tony is totally doomed. *G*


OP anonymous August 13 2011, 05:21:21 UTC
Had I not been stupid with sickness earlier, I would have been here telling you HOW AWESOME YOU ARE. <3 <3 <3

(Which, in case it's not clear, is very awesome. Oh god, so good!)


Re: OP cradle_song August 13 2011, 08:43:35 UTC
Yay hello OP! I was wondering if you were around. *g* And I'm glad you like it so far!


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