Prompt Post 001

Jul 14, 2011 19:42

Part 1 is now closed. Please direct new prompts to Part 2.

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round 001, prompt post

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Re: FILLED [GEN] Pre-Serum Steve as a Rent Boy [WARNINGS FOR RAPE. RE-POSTED BY MOD] anonymous July 18 2011, 19:25:38 UTC
The opening is weak and fairly unlikely. Steve needs a better impetus to get into prostitution than "some guy said he could make money". This could be helped by some strong supporting characters, or any at all really. There's really just no focus on anything substantial here. It's all glossed over, which makes it difficult to sink into the fit. Some of the logic seems wonky as well. Is Steve a hooker or an escort? Why does "soldiers make nice johns" translate to "I want to be a soldier"? And the whole line with Steve's dead mother is a serious turn-off, both jarring and fairly pointless.

Not bad on the ending, and the mirrored bookends work fairly well to give a sense of closure. With a little expanding, it could also be used to explore the symbolism that Steve is just selling himself to a new sort of John, now that he's Government Issue and all. You have some serious trouble when it comes to compression. Most of the story is told instead of shown (see Steve's gangbang), and the narrative doesn't treat traumatic events with the weight they deserve (again, the gangbang). There's also a lot of questions about gender constructs in the 1940s that get skimmed. Steve may not be the most stereotypically masculine of men pre-serum, but he still considers himself definitely male. There's no time spent parsing how being "better" when presenting as a woman affects him, which is a question I'd like to see seriously dealt with even if it's not part of the A-plot.

I recommend giving some serious consideration about how Steve's motivation and needs change. Art school as a motivator seems to fade away about halfway through, but there's no apparent reason for it. The replacing of art with military as a goal doesn't really make sense without some heavy digging. I can see how, hypothetically, Steve's self-worth might have been dragged so far down that he dropped art. Then, when he starts being treated well by soldiers, that could be something to latch onto, and it would almost make sense. But there would be some fairly heavy psychological digging involved, and the level you'd need to break Steve down to possibly wouldn't be worth the payoff.

TL;DR, this needs another 10,000 words to do the story justice. Lacking that, pick a place to focus and expand it into one scene. Show, don't tell!


Re: FILLED [GEN] Pre-Serum Steve as a Rent Boy [WARNINGS FOR RAPE. RE-POSTED BY MOD] anonymous July 18 2011, 19:33:04 UTC
Show, don't tell!

This. So much.

As far as I can tell, that's all you really needed to say. It's really more of an outline than a story.

I'm sorry your beta work got beleeeted. I really liked it.


Re: FILLED [GEN] Pre-Serum Steve as a Rent Boy [WARNINGS FOR RAPE. RE-POSTED BY MOD] anonymous July 18 2011, 19:37:34 UTC
Being helpful is against the super secret mod rules! As is honesty.


Re: FILLED [GEN] Pre-Serum Steve as a Rent Boy [WARNINGS FOR RAPE. RE-POSTED BY MOD] anonymous July 18 2011, 20:16:15 UTC

I disagree. Having the rape and gangbang offscreen made it more powerful for me. What's unseen is often scarier than what's right in front of you.


Re: FILLED [GEN] Pre-Serum Steve as a Rent Boy [WARNINGS FOR RAPE. RE-POSTED BY MOD] anonymous July 18 2011, 20:24:26 UTC

But they didn't happen 'offscreen'. They happened right there. Just, you know, poorly described.

"He smiles until one night when they gang bang him in the alley."

If this is powerful writing for you, I advise you to avoid, oo, Dan Brown. The sheer uncontrolled power of getting a laundry list of events and characteristics may blow you to Oz.


Re: FILLED [GEN] Pre-Serum Steve as a Rent Boy [WARNINGS FOR RAPE. RE-POSTED BY MOD] anonymous July 18 2011, 21:00:15 UTC
Anon from two comments back.

Right, like if it was implied rape, that's cool, but it wasn't. It was stated rape.

You could imply without showing by having a scene where Steve's picking himself up off the pavement and trying to hold himself together.

As I said, it really feels more like an outline.


Re: FILLED [GEN] Pre-Serum Steve as a Rent Boy [WARNINGS FOR RAPE. RE-POSTED BY MOD] anonymous July 18 2011, 20:27:22 UTC
I totally agree! This is why I don't bother reading the fics. I just read the prompts. They leave so much unseen the power is vastly multiplied - it's like homeopathy.


Re: FILLED [GEN] Pre-Serum Steve as a Rent Boy [WARNINGS FOR RAPE. RE-POSTED BY MOD] anonymous July 18 2011, 20:29:02 UTC
pfft. Most of the prompts are ridiculously overwritten! I just read the subject lines of the prompts. They have the sparse beauty of haiku - no clutter.


More warnings for rape anonymous July 18 2011, 20:34:38 UTC
This... isn't sarcasm. I think I might cry.

That's not powerful writing, anon. Powerful writing is this:

A bottle rolled under Steve's foot as he stumbled backwards. The Heels were strapped on, and he couldn't kick them off, but he wobbled. No one had ever taught him to balance in stilettos, and now he couldn't run. "Stay-- stay away!"

"What's wrong, doll? I thought you were looking for a real man!" The big redhead boy grinned and elbowed his buddies. He was big, bigger than Steve, bigger than a house it seemed, all heavy flesh and bone. From three feet, Steve could easily smell his rotting teeth. It churned his stomach.

There was just the bottle, a few beat up trash cans and no way to run. Steve's heart pounded up behind his eyes. This wasn't happening. It wasn't happening.


Re: FILLED [GEN] Pre-Serum Steve as a Rent Boy [WARNINGS FOR RAPE. RE-POSTED BY MOD] anonymous July 18 2011, 21:07:03 UTC
Your mileage may vary on this. Personally, I find a stark, rationalistic and bare aesthetic done right can often drive points home better than more lengthy fics that have bad pacing. He smiles until one night when they gang bang him in the alley. This sentence alone leaves me in more despair than the other snippet posted. By being so short and to the point it strips down the event to the necessary and it's inherit horror. Exactly this aesthetic lead to the short story becoming such an influential art form by limiting itself.
Of course, if you disagree or think that prompt deserves another fill, then more power to you, anon, and I'm looking forward to reading your take on it. But don't say this version can't carry a powerful impact.


Re: FILLED [GEN] Pre-Serum Steve as a Rent Boy [WARNINGS FOR RAPE. RE-POSTED BY MOD] anonymous July 18 2011, 21:18:26 UTC
inherit horror

Did you mean 'inherent'?

I only ask because the poster of the fic made a very similar error with 'costumer' for 'customer'. Rely on your autocorrect less, bb. :D


Re: FILLED [GEN] Pre-Serum Steve as a Rent Boy [WARNINGS FOR RAPE. RE-POSTED BY MOD] anonymous July 18 2011, 21:24:56 UTC
Shhh don't call out the sock, anony. That's just bad manners.


Re: FILLED [GEN] Pre-Serum Steve as a Rent Boy [WARNINGS FOR RAPE. RE-POSTED BY MOD] capkinkmod July 18 2011, 21:37:13 UTC
This could be a very interesting discussion about what works for some people and doesn't for others.

Please take it to the guidelines post to continue the chatter so we can keep the prompt post for prompting and filling.

I am freezing this thread.


Re: FILLED [GEN] Pre-Serum Steve as a Rent Boy [WARNINGS FOR RAPE. RE-POSTED BY MOD] anonymous July 23 2011, 06:20:17 UTC
This is a kink meme, not a workshop. While you make some good points and I actually agree with you for the most part, you're being a bit of a killjoy. Comment on the fics you like, scroll right on past the ones you don't.


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