Dec 02, 2004 22:01
hi =) haha whats goin down HOME SLICE? lol anyway ..
i updated about first and second block .. shady :D spanish was .. nice? idk. i dont really remember
actually .. spanish was pretty damn good i think. matt cracks me the fuck up .. hardcore. marcus kept saying stupid shit today .. i thought i was gonna pee myself. those fuckeheads and christian were having a paper fight .. n christian hit me in the head with a paper. lol. lunch was wonderful.. for the simple fact that they had THE GOOD CHICKEN!! haha me, des, and jenn almost shit ourselves. i guess katie wasnt feeling too well because she wasnt in school. ohh kathryn <3 no patty coombes again !! SHADY <3 fuckin .. the people in jenns journalism class were selling newspapers and they came to our table and she was like 'do you want to buy a newspaper?' and i was like 'nah, none of jenns articles got in there so i dont want' with a HUGE smile on my face .. and this fuckin bitch comes up to me and shes like 'just so you know, you dont have to be a little bitch to me' i was like 'woah. clam the fuck down. i was just kidding.' and she was like 'well you know what BARHABDHSBBITCHBITCHBITCHABHRBAH im just selling these papers!' i was like 'yeah obviously you stupid bitch' and she just fucking walked away. fucking seniors with attitude suck. fuck you, megan hickey. =) matt disspeared after lunch ..crazy. ritter was stepping on the heels of my pants today in the hall way .. so i kicked him [i had my boots on] and i came like two inches away from his nuts. britney walked up and i was like 'i just almost ended your boyfriends life' lol oh ritter and britney. too cute <3
PARTY AT JUSTINS LOCKER!! like it has been every day since we started school. rock on \m/ i love justin pirino [aka peepee] forever and ever <3
anyway ..
- art was okay. we watched this movie about remington that took the entire class period. jamie passed out. i forgot how to write a g in cursive so chris and desiree showed me .. thanks guys <3 i wouldnt know my letters without you. no RaH RaH* today ! the LBC was incomplete because she wasnt there, and ashley randomly dissapeared between first block and fourth block. shit happens ;D hopped in the GT peice with jamie ashley and linds. almost hit eric mcgar :D haha fuckin ..we're goin thru the parking lot and i see matt, so i slammed on the window. . he puts this huge smile on his face and waves dorkishly ..and i gave him the finger and laughed my ass off. its offical, i love him <3 got dropped off at the thomas residence.
kyle came back with lindsay. we were gonna give jamie another swirlie but there was just no time. lol <3 strollin down ontario ave, n i see chris and rob in the cornacopia <3 linds and kyle talked to rob for the first time in like .. months. we're all [me lindsay jamie kyle and rob] gonna hang out this weekend sometime. its almost the inseperable six .. but todd = shady. chilled outside with those crackheads till it was too cold for comfort.
did some laundry .. chilled till mommy got home. did my spanish project.. its hott =) hehe. i couldnt find a pic of my brother pat where he wasnt incredibly stoned, giving the finger, or bending over next to a sign that read "santa stop here" so i thought of the OTHER brother i have ! yoko! lol . i printed out a picture of him in the eclipse lookin all cute and put him on my collage <3 haha yay. went to mock trial with jamie. we got there and realized it was the night of the 5th, 7th and 8th grade band concert and decided to skip mock trial. =) hehe shady. walked up the street to smoke a ciggy .. reminised a bit about the good ol` summer days <3 damn i miss them soo much. anyway .. went to the concert some nice seats considering we were an hour early ;D
omg i want to update cause soo much happened but i cant. im too tired. my eyes are closing and i still have to go downstairs and call kyle miller and talk to him for like 2 hours like i do everynight.
so ill update about today, tomorrow :D
night kids. ily you all <33