Oct 23, 2009 20:42
in 2 weeks the new owners are going to shut down the other store for 3 months for rennovations. which means, dorothy (the manager over there) is coming over here to be manager. the 2 part timers are getting laid off. and i am only going to get TWENTY ONE FUCKING HOURS A WEEK. nice way to show u appreciate someone who u expect to solve ALL the problems that come up in the 2 stores u just bought. and stupid dykey bitch amy is getting 35hrs a week. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!
of course im fucking livid but im not going to quit just yet. but i dont know what to do. find a new job comes to mind. but also this could give me enough time to get some jewellery things done while still getting some kind of a pay cheque but i dont have enough comissions lined up to be able to suppliment my income properly
plus the stag shop still hasnt called or emaild me back. which is also pissing me off. cuz the timing is pretty good.
i just fucking hate bullshit like this. i was already looking for a new job but havent really seen anything that would work out well. since i like to be within walking distance of work.
whatever. i have stopped caring. moreso than i was not caring before. so. discount anyone?