Oh hello! Happy Halloween!
Jooolie made this excellent graphique for me to share with you.
I probably say this every year but really, Halloween is the greatest thing to come out of America, ever.
I suppose perhaps I value Jazz, Blues, and Frank Sinatra just as much. But you get what I am saying.
I haven't been very fair to you, my loyal subjects. I start a project sometimes and then get distracted by my awesomeness and forget all about you. I won't promise that this will change, I just wanted to mention it.
The two dames I live with had all sorts of people dressed up over the weekend. RJ and I were very entertained by their shenanigans. Except for the flapper that kept coming into MY room to use her cell phone. It was so very rude I almost threw Chompy at her. Or her own cell phone like Naomi.
I hope you all have a fantastic night and eat too much candy and explode. Wait a minute. I didn't mean one part of that. You'll never know which one.
bon au revoir pour le moment