(no subject)

Jun 26, 2007 02:51

Oh Hello!
SHOCKING that I have not kept up to date with this journal. Well I can't be bothered, you see. Although my social schedule is calming down a bit and making more room for lazy summer days, I still can't stand the notion of spending time on fine sunny afternoons in front of a horrible computer monitor.

But I've decided to let you know a little more about the real me.

So sit back and drink some tea and read answers to the questions you've been dying to ask me.

How do you usually introduce yourself to people?
Bonjour and a little wave. A good spy never offers information.

What is the longest plane ride you've been on?
When commuting back and forth between continents, I personally prefer taking to the seas. Within countries, however, I do prefer a good plane ride. As of late, the longest ride was about 5 hours.

Where do you usually order pizza from?
Eh I'm not a fan of Italian food.

Have you ever been to Houston?

Have you ever tripped going up steps?

What's one thing you will do this summer?
Stay out of the sun, watch France dominate in the summer olypiads, watch many good films and drink quite a bit of rum. That was several things, wasn't it?

Do you have a best friend?
Why yes, I do.

Are you going to be starting a new job this summer?
One doesn't need a job when you are so independantly wealthy.

Are you currently fighting with anyone?
Non, surprisingly.

Have you ever felt like killing somebody?
Of course. As recent as this afternoon.

Where will you be in 12 hours?
Oh, Not Jooolie and I will probably be catching up on current events or perhaps watching a film we own.

Have you ever thrown something out of a moving car?
Only a deserving dame. Ohoho!

Next 3 important days on your calendar?
That is top secret information.

Who's the last person to text message you?

Last wedding you attended?
Wedding! Oh please.

Ever take a sobriety test?
I never take tests that I will surely fail.

If alcohol were banned worldwide, what would your reaction be?
Worldwide!! The French would never tolerate such a thing. Death first.

How much money did you make today?
A ton.

What are your plans for tomorrow?
Oh who knows. Whatever sounds pleasant at the time.

Can you see a phone right now?

When is your birthday?

Are you a jealous person?

Are you currently working at a job that you hate?

Ever skip school and spend the day at the beach?

Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
This doesn't happen to me.

Who was the last person you rode in a car with?
The dames I live with

How are you today?
I'm quite well, how are you?

Do you miss anyone right now?
Well, I would like to hear from Tiny Zizou or Capitan

When you're in a bad mood, what will always put you in a better mood?
applesauce, Jacques Pepin, and napping with my flatmates.

Do you have any really crazy relatives?
Of course I do, I'm French.

Does everyone in your life know the real you?
Of course not!

What were you doing before you started this survey?
Checking my stocks.

What were you doing this morning at 8am?

Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
Indeed I have

What was the weather like on your last birthday?
Quite nice!

What are you listening to?
Air featuring Charlotte Gainsbourg and Jarvis Cocker

Can men and women be "Just Friends"?
But of course

What woke you up this morning?
Not Jooolie

Who was the last person to leave a comment on your myspace?

Do you listen to music everyday?


Where was the last place you went besides your house?
a movie theatre

Do you enjoy fighting with people?
Oh, these days I enjoy lounging around much more

Have you ever been in the emergency room?
Absolutely not

Do you drink coffee?
I'm French

Are you a bad influence?
Of course

Do you ever think people hate you for filling these out?
I am quite sure people hate me for many other reasons besides this.
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