Jul 27, 2006 22:41
The cutest thing happened in all of the world. I was riding in the car with my mom, and she says. "Oh I heard the song that you and your dad should dance to at your wedding" It caught me completely off guard, but it was sooooo cute! It is the new song by heartland, chad you may know, It is called I loved her first. I heard part of it, but not the whole thing. I am now on a quest to find that cd so I can play it at my wedding. . . .how corny! Oh well, it made my mommy cry now imagine it at my wedding! hahaha, lets work on a boyfriend first shall we folks. lol!
Anywho, I have been having a good time. I have been hanging out more and more with people at work and I can really feel like they are my friends. Not just people from work that I really like to talk to. I am beginning to trust them more and more! I dont know if I told you guys about this, but last saturday one of my friends from work had a bonfire, and I spent the whole day with her. It was by far the best day ever!!!!!!!! I had so much fun, and have never laughed so much before in my life. It was one of those good days that I really needed. Well that is all from me, let me know how you guys are doing. I havent heard from most of you, what is up with that? I guess the road goes both ways, yeppers it does. Well I hope that life is going awesome for you guys as well.!!