May 21, 2007 20:36
Prague was a lot of fun. I believe I have either the most or the second most pictures from Prague. The only reason it would be second is cause I got really drunk in Vienna the first time we were there and took quite a few pictures because of it. Romania failed miserably though. The hostel I booked either gave me a wrong address, or shut down and turned into a kindergarten in the two days between booking and showing up in Romania. Wandering around Bucherest was worse than the Holocaust. It was absurdly hot, the entire town was under construction, The only people that spoke englisher were a cab driver, who taught me some basic swearing in Romani, and the office worker who told me that the hostel I was looking for never existed at the address they gave me. Pretty much the entire time I was there I was thinking that I was going to die there.
Eventually I made it back to Budapest only to find that the hostels around the train station were booked solid. Eventually I gave up and went back to Vienna and managed to get a room in the hostel we were at previously. I have never loved a person as much as the woman at the front desk when she told me they had a bed available. At that point I had been awake just over 50 hours, and hadn't eaten in 30 or so. Spend all of the time in Vienna walking around during the day and drinking all night. Have met some good people here. Returning home on the 23rd