Location:Concord, MA
Are you shaking it up with anyone? If so, picture please: No
At least 7 sentences to describe yourself:
People perceive me as shy and quiet, but that is not true at all. I am loud and enjoy a good joke once in a while. I live in a small town called Concord, and it is rather boring but I make due. My friends and I make every situation comical and don't have our stuck so far up in our asses that we can't laugh at our own mistakes and stupidity. I love listening to all kinds of music, and have tried several types of instruments all which I have basically sucked at. I am not that musical, sadly.
7+ bands/singers: Bright Eyes, Brand New, The Spill Canvas, Change of Pace, Ben Kweller, A Static Lullabye, TBS
5+ movies: Mean Girls, Stay, A Beautiful Mind, Titanic, Eternal Sunshine
3+books: The Perks of Being A Wallflower, The Catcher in the Rye, A Complicated Kindness
Who is the hottest member? Bertha
The ugliest? No one is ugly yet
What do you think of the mods?
xsilentscream: I like your taste in bands {something corporate rules}, you have gorgeous hair and i love your lj background. Oh and harry potter is AWESOME
hallpasses: Something about you is so adorable, like in your pictures in the mini ap. And i like your myspace.
WHICH MOD DO YOU LIKE BETTER, AND WHY: Hm..toughy, probably Nikki bc I felt I had more in common with her.
Promote 5 times, links to prove it: did you find out about us, if a member, who?
”xsilentscream” THE SHIT LIST
Do you like llamas? Yeah,
Are you straightedge? No, but I don’t do drugs, but I wouldnt classify myself as “straightedge”
What do you think of straightedge people?: Eh, its great for them its a personal decision, but I think theres to much hype around it and it causes so much segregation and drama (around these parts)
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers- i’m all for the comfort
Pirates or Vikings: Pirates All The Way
Pokemon or Yu Gi Oh: Pokemon
Do you think we're completely not right in the head? Haha, no, this community seems awesome
Do you enjoy tacos? YES
Do you watch porn? nahh not really, I have before but its not a habit
Do you believe in God? No
Do you ride the bus? No. I live to close. I walk.
Does your capgun pack heat? Defffinitely
Whatcha gunna do with all that junk? ima get get get get you drunk, get you love drunk on my hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpp
Abortion: Im pro-choice. I wouldnt say i personally am pro-abortion, but I believe there are many circumstances when it is necessary and women should have the right to choose.
Teen Sex: Use protection, don’t just do it to do it, be conscious of the possible consequences. Not really my business though.
Drugs/Alcohol: I personally dont do them anymore, but I am friends with people who do drugs/drink alcohol and it doesn’t phase me.
The Scene: Ehh not a fan.
5 pictures, not photoshopped, and clear shots of your face.