hear the cry of youth

Jul 11, 2009 08:03

Player Name: Jenni
Contact: ganymichan on AIM

Character Name: Alexander Hill
Canon/OC: OC
Age: 24
Appearance: Alex is tall, shaggy-haired, and skinny with a little of that lean muscle that comes from being incredibly active all the time. To the extent that anyone can be stylish in a world where most clothing is homemade, scavenged, or refurbished military garb, Alex definitely is. But he at least dresses practically to the extent that everything he wears has a million pockets and D-rings. Where else would he keep all the potentially-useful crap that he carries around? PB is William Beckett, but imagine Beckett as if he had eaten in his life.

History: Long before Judgment Day, Alex's life was full of gunfire and explosives. And he loved it. Of course, then they had fast cars, easy money, and the sliest of schemes to spice up their lives. His parents were con artists, and even as a child Alex had taken to the occupation like a fish to water. He pickpocketed, cased targets for his dads, and even once drove the getaway car boat (never again, for gods sake). When he was ten, all that ended.

They were on a job in northern Mexico--a job or a vacation, it was always hard to tell which; they were always "vacationing." His dad (his biological father, that is) had gone in to the city while he and dad number two, Cameron, had set off hiking deep in the mountains. When the bombs fell, they were a hundred miles from anything anyone would want to destroy. And a hundred miles from his father.

Alex doesn't know what happened to his dad. He doesn't like to speculate. Cameron took care of him, found a two-way radio and a car and kept him close. It was months before they heard a Resistance signal, the first human contact that seemed worth trusting. They followed it, but an HK-Aerial was following them. Cameron was killed before he could see Alex through the gate. But Alex made it, and has been with the Resistance ever since.

As a child on a military base, still shell-shocked and angry at the world aside from being completely out of place, Alex was the tiny scourge of the fledgling Resistance. Until he met another kid his age, one as grumpy as Alex was annoying. E became the focus of all his obnoxious energies, which somehow or another led to the two becoming friends (when they weren't busy getting into fights; clearly punching is just like bonding). E's father, Simon, helped look after Alex as he grew and became something of a father figure to the boy, with Alex constantly vying with E for the man's attention.

Alex and E did the things all boys do--compete, pull pranks, get into trouble--except in a Resistance bunker the competitions involved sharpshooting or scouting for machines, and trouble meant blowing up the mess hall with homemade explosives. Completely by accident, of course. Along the way Alex learned anything he could from anyone who could teach him, and by the time he and E were old enough to go on missions alone they were capable soldiers. When E made squad leader Alex naturally stepped in as his second, never mind if the position existed officially or not. Their squad gets done what needs doing, and they do it well.

Personality: Alex can be relentlessly obnoxious. He likes to fixate on things, be it his friends, allies, enemies, or the problem at hand. When he does this silently, it makes him seem especially sharp; when he does it aloud, it makes him unbearable to be around for any extended period of time. He tends to over-analyze everything, but thankfully (or not) has the abundant self-confidence to prevent analysis from ever turning to angst. He is generally playful, a trickster and a prankster to the extent that is mildly safe, but sympathy and compassion are not far behind patience on the list of traits he does not possess. Alex has high standards and little time for those who do not meet them. Those that do, of course, are rewarded with unwavering loyalty--and more annoyance. He annoys because he loves, really.

Special Skills: Alex is what happens when con men and soldiers raise children: you get more con men and soldiers. He has a decent repertoire of skills: mixed-style hand-to-hand combat (largely based on krav maga), your usual guns, sniper rifles, explosives, and parkour. A few years ago he and E terrorized (well, E might have asked, Alex terrorized) some poor fighter pilots into teaching them to fly the Resistance rust-buckets in a pinch, but he couldn't sit still in a cockpit long enough to do it regularly. He can still pickpocket like a champ and remembers some cons, if ever that should come in handy. His Italian is very rusty at this point; his Spanish has fared a little better considering the locale.

Writing Sample: Tada. Note: This narrative was written before T4 came out and is not quite applicable to game play due to inconsistencies therein.

ooc, app

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