Dec 20, 2009 18:15

Hey, everyone! Sorry, as usual, I haven't been around. I've successfully been completely overwhelmed by school. But now I finally made it to break! Wohoo! I made it through my first semester of nursing, which is exciting. It's nice actually being in classes which directly relate to what you're going to be doing after you graduate. Not that I didn't love my bullshit classes, I just like my nursing classes a lot more as I can see how they're going to be important in a few years.

Ugh. My iPod just deleted all of my music. Bastard. I have maybe about 1/4 of it saved on my hard drive, but a lot of it I've stolen from other people. Boooo. I'm not looking forward to putting all of it back on my iPod. Going to save that for another day, I think.

I've been catching up on Lost! It's great, cracky fun. I am in love with Juliet! I just want her to be part of the team! Come on guys, let her join. Like she needs you to let her in, anyway. And Ben! Oh, I adore that crazy mo-fo. No one does obsessive crazy quite like  him. Also, Ben and Locke are totally BFFs. They make a good team! Sort of... I love their fighting to see who the island loves more (clearly it's Locke, so I don't understand why they're fighting anyway).

Also, Kate? You're still really fucking annoying and one of the best examples of a weak female character. Maybe she gets better. But I doubt it. It's kind of hard to jump back from being a person solely defined by your relationship with men and lacking anything else of substance. And the incessant crying is getting old.

Ah, my roommate and one of her friends and I are looking into getting a house next semester. As much as I love making lists and weighing pros and cons, it's stressing me out to no end! GAGH. Apparently you have to fucking rent a house for the next year in September of the current year. I thought November was fine, but apparently not. UGH. We're looking at a few places, but I hope we get this sorted out very, very soon, seeing as I already wanted ot have a lease signed by this point.

I have all of my Christmas presents bought! This is really early for me. Usually I'm not done until Christmas Eve.

I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE FUCKING DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. YOU HAVE NO IDEA. I'm prone to squealing when someone mentions December 25th, and not because of the whole Christmas thing. I have my priorities.

So what have you all been up to? I'm going to go through the friends list in a few days (when I don't have to work). I'm working 20 hours a week during break, which is 20 hours too many if you ask me. But I need money.
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