Insane Ramblings, Part II

Sep 02, 2002 20:09

So...I've decided that I should just start writing my journal entries like this from now on, since it's the only way I really get out what's on my mind, plus I'm kind of amused by the comments that I got last time.

I'm afraid for comments. On my journal entries for AP English, that is. And my essays. Really, I think this course is just gonna kick my ass. I usually do pretty well in English, but Ms. Cravedi is drastically different from Ms. Macy, Mrs. Dean, and Mrs. Morris. I think I like her, though. And I enjoy her theory about the purpose about the class--for the learning experience and not the grade. If only my mother felt that way...or everyone else in the world. I think that I could do well in the class and not stress out so much if I wasn't worried about making the grade.

Speaking of grades, do you KNOW how fantastic it feels to be a senior? I feel like I have a lot more respect and freedom this year. Of course, this is probably all in my head, but please don't shatter my little fantasy world. Also this year, I don't seem to have such a problem with authority figures. I think getting a lot of praise from Dorothy this summer helped that. Camp helped me so much in seeing that people in charge of me should be viewed as almost an equal--it's the best way to handle things.

I'm handling things well today. I say today, because there have been days lately when I haven't been handling things well. And those of you who are close to me know of what "things" I speak. I think that I've finally come to a level of acceptance about everything, but you know, who really knows how long that's gonna last. But I'm having a conversation with a certain someone right now, and I'm not having any complications. That's good, right? I thought so.

Speaking of certain someones, I talked to Shelby Mack today. That was strange. Shelby and I dated while we were in sixth and seventh grade. Afterwards, we were really good friends, but we just kinda grew apart over the past couple of years. But today we were both online, and she randomly imed me. She's gonna come visit me in my lonely office tomorrow during fourth block. I'm excited. :)

I don't want to go anywhere near my office tomorrow. Mike, despite whatever good he did for the Sentinel, fucked it up badly. So...we got a new computer, and a new layout program, and everything once he became editor. The only sucky thing is, we don't have any of his "other" equipment to use to effectively do the entire process. For instance, we need a zip drive. And we just don't have one. And they're expensive, and there is *NO* money in our bank account. On a positive note though, the Journalism class will be selling all ads for the paper this year. Yay! I don't have to sell them! I'm excited!

I have to sell a LOT of fundraising stuff this year. New York is gonna cost just as much as the trip to Ocean City did. And my mom isn't going to help out as much. Candy, here I come! But I am SO excited for this trip! We are going to see RENT!!! ON BROADWAY!!!!! I can't believe that Mr. Gasque and Mr. Ingalls agreed to that, but I am *SO* happy that they did! Like, the rest of the trip just doesn't even matter to me...I could see Rent, and then be locked in my hotel room for the rest of the time,and I would be ecstatic!

We listened to Rent in my car last night. Libby and I belted it. It was fun. Those were feel-good times. We meant to choreograph the Perfect Cheer, but we never did. It will come someday.

I'm not even gonna say where that last thought led my mind.

Oh...I should go buy some lead at Staples. I don't think I bought extra, and I tend to run out really fast. This will make, what? The 8432654798321479825th trip to Staples this week? All right!

I bought a little mini-stapler at the Dollar Tree last week. It's so cute! The Dollar Tree is the most fantastic store ever! They have everything! I think my keychain is almost dead. It keeps getting dropped and chipped. It's the one that says: "I'm not arrogant, I'm just a whole lot better than you." I think it's time has come.

Am I really arrogant? I don't think I am. Can someone please define arrogant for me? I mean, I know what it means, but I just can't see how it relates to me. I may fool around and act arrogant, but I'm really not. And I'm kinda sad that people can't see around the facade.

Tim really likes that facade song on his Jekyll and Hyde soundtrack. I thought it sucked. Personally, I thought the whole CD sucked, but to each his own. I respect Tim's musical tastes.

OMG, have I TOLD everyone that the new Avril Lavigne CD is the BEST, EVER?! I LOVE HER!!! And I think that Kate enjoyed my new version of "Sk8er Boi" just a little too much...

Who came up with the spelling of "boi"? I don't understand.

But you know what? I think I understand now.

(That last statement was totally unrelated to the spelling of "boi".)

grades, music, dollar tree, senior year, field trip, classes, camp, sentinel, rent

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