Jul 16, 2001 00:06
~Aja's mom, concerning the boy who played young King Arthur in the movie tonight.
I had such a blast today. The fair was kinda boring, but I got a great CD out of it--I love this Evita CD!! We went to the Washington County Field Days in East Monpelier. After almost puking on the rides from being sick yesterday, I bought (or rather, Tim bought) a used Evita CD for five bucks...but it's still in awesome condition! Then, we hung out in the 4-H tent for a while...did some egg tossing, some rock painting, and some hay bail throwing. It was amusing. Afterwards, we saw "Guys and Dolls" in Adamant. I loved it! I thought it was really good! Then, we rounded out the evening with a nice hysterical laughter session at Aja's mom's...well, at least Aja and I did...we were both hysterical while everyone else was like "riiiiight..." I thought it was funny. ::Does the little "no tickets" dance:: Anyway, I'm off to bed! I finally slept this morning, but only from 7:00-9:00...I fell asleep during "Great Expectations." (GOOD MOVIE!!) So...yeah, goodnight!
aja's house,
guys and dolls,